View Full Version : Scared of being in a car at night

17-04-12, 16:31
In September I was hit by a car. Since then, I've been really frightened of cars.. Being around them or in them. It freaks me out. Sometimes it can take me ages to cross a road.

My Husband and I are supposed to be going to a Wedding Reception later this month & I was really looking forward to it. Planned my outfit and everything! Then, it dawned on me that there are no well lit roads to get to this place. I think a lot of people are getting taxis there. I'm only just comfortable in the car with my Husband & taxi drivers drive really fast! I don't want to go on a dual carriageway or down the country roads.

I feel really bad for letting my Husband down, he was really looking forward to going out. I'm just not sure I can bare the journey there and back. It's only 20-30 minutes. Whenever I'm in the car and I feel threatened, I have a full on panic attack. But it's internal.. I never let on how I'm feeling. I feel hot and trapped, then I feel dizzy and as though I'm going to pass out. I can usually cope by focussing on my breathing but I would prefer to not be in that situation in the first place!

I would really appreciate any advice on this. I guess I'm never going to get over my fear or anxiety unless I face things that frighten me, but I don't think I can cope with it. Another problem being that I have IBS, which is made worse by stress & anxiety.. Knowing my luck, I'll get to the reception and then end up giving myself an IBS attack because I'm worried about coming home!