View Full Version : Life's a bit of a nightmare...

17-04-12, 16:53
Hi there,

Recently, life has just taken a turn for the worse. My boyfriend recently broke up with me (because he isn't over his ex girlfriend) and I can't seem to get passed it. It happened 5 weeks ago, he said he couldn't decide between us and has been leaving me waiting. I was ok for the first few weeks, but now I've gone downhill.

I can't think about anything else. I feel anxious all the time, like I'm about to have a panic attack. I constantly feel like I have a pressure just under my heart that makes it hard to breathe. When I feel the attacks coming I try to think about something else, but I find that I can't. I can't seem to function without calling him or texting him all the time, if I don't the attacks are worse and I just can't stop the anxiety at all.

I just can't do anything. When I'm at home I don't want to do anything, so just sit and think about it, which of course leads to panic attacks and a feeling of constant dread. When I'm out I just want to be at home because I'm afraid that I'll snap and go crazy while I'm out.

I started taking anti depressants (fluoxetine) a week ago and since then its all got worse. I can't stop bursting into tears and feeling anxious all the time. I never have good days, it never stops and I feel like there is never going to be an end to it.

Just looking for a bit of support really. I hope that this won't last forever, but it really feels like it will!

17-04-12, 16:54
Hi Badgergirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes