View Full Version : Brain Chatter

17-04-12, 17:20
Hi All,
Have been on cit for16 days now, & cant get rid of the nausea, (poor appetite lost 6lb already) & brain chatter driving me mad, cant sleep at night with things wuring through my head, also chest pains feel like a burning sensation all the time, how long before these SE subside

17-04-12, 17:35
Hi Stormy,

I'm nearly 4 1/2 weeks in and all SE's have gone now apart from abit of brain fog or depersonalisation but it is improving. My SE's lasted just past 3 weeks so stick with it as your nearly there through the rough, last week I started picking up massively compared to before I was on Cit and would say I'm back upto 80% of being my normal self.

I lost a stone over 6 weeks and struggled eating but all back to normal now thank god and I've put 1/2 stone back on, I'm really quite enjoying being able to eat whatever I want to get the weight back so every cloud has a silver lining and all that. As for the mind chatter it's horrible but it will go just give it more time, I used to get in bed and for some reason start doing poetry in my head- madness I've never been into poetry ever and I couldn't stop it from going on and on in my thoughts it just wouldn't switch off along with other silly thoughts so ride it out.

It will improve for you just remember to stay positive and take everyday as it comes as patience is needed as unfortunately there's no quick fix. Easier said than done I know as I have no patience whatsoever.

Hoping you feel better soon and message me if you need any advice.

Take care,
