View Full Version : Panic about age!

17-04-12, 18:56
Hi All,

This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm panicking about being 24. I've just turned 24, and I'm panicking about it. I feel like I'm getting "old". I know I'm not, but I'm scared my youth is running away with me and I'm becoming past my peak, so it will all be downhill from here. It's almost like I can't believe I am 24. It sounds so old. If i feel anxious now at 24, I keep thinking about how anxious I will feel when I am 25! It's like by definition I can only ever feel worse. I'm petrified.

I know it's not rational, as if it were I wouldn't be here! Please tell me someone else has felt like this and that is DOES GO.

I'm a medical student, so it isn't like my life is going nowhere, but I'm in a wheelchair and single and I think it's that which is bothering me.

Please help.
Ellie x

17-04-12, 19:16
Hi Ellie. I think lots of people have moments like this in life. I was upset about turning 18, despite having lived out of home for two years. Different things for different people I guess. Life is seldom what you expect I find, I just try to enjoy as much of it as possible (not always easy - there are always challenges), and don't spend time comparing yourself to other people! Being a medical student though is pretty cool, you can go anywhere or do anything once you have those qualifications. As for being single? Chair or no chair - In my experience, just as soon as you start to enjoy it, someone special turns up. Sod's law ;) Hope you feel more positive soon!

paula lynne
17-04-12, 19:22
Is it the thought of you having more anxiety as you get older, or the actual number that is bothering you?
What exactly are you petrified of?

I wasnt exactly thrilled turning 40 love, but Im 17 in my head and always will be. Age is a mental state of mind in my opinion, I know some 60 year olds that act like 21 (getting drunk, streaking, banged up, fighting..lol) and some 21 year olds that act way beyond their years. Youve already said it yourself, its not a rational fear, but a fear none-the-less, so.......look after your skin, eat well, be healthy, treat your body right, and enjoy life! Maybe this has more to do with the fact youd like to find that special person? Do you feel like life is passing you by?

Ellie, 24 is still so young love, women are getting married and having babies far later in life these days (average 1st marriage 29.....average 2nd marriage 40!) Concentrate on your studies, and love the skin you are in. xxxxx

Paula x

granny number 4
17-04-12, 19:56
i felt when i hit 40 i thought oh my god but i too am 18 in my head i changed my hair colour from blonde to brown and it knocked my confidence so what did i do but im back blonde and loving it getting the attention again trying to build my confidence back so hang on in there you will feel better x

17-04-12, 22:52
Thank you guys, I really appreciate your replies. I really find this place is my ultimate lifeline.

I think it's not helping that my sister is 21 and getting married, and has 2 kids, my brother is in a relationship, and I am single. I keep comparing my milestones to other people. I guess that is silly. I am in my prime, this is my time to shine, I just need to see that and not waste it!

You have really helped me, thank you.
Ellie x

paula lynne
17-04-12, 23:25
Thats it Ellie, SHINE! :D

18-04-12, 23:20
Hey Ellie,
I know what you mean...I am 25 tomorrow and I am freaking out..I am anxious 24/7 but thinking about the fact that I'm 25 and when I was younger, I expected to be married now,with kids..and happy!

But no, I'm back living with my parents, single, anxious and can hardly go out the house... It's horrible getting older.