View Full Version : in a mess

04-07-06, 09:46
please can anyone help. i feel so scared, petrified. i am having a panic that is going on for ages, been feeling bad for a couple of days, not sleeping, can't bring myself to eat as usual. but today i feel i c an hardly move, can't catch my breath, want to be sick (have been). my head is swimming and i feel so strange and ill. i am scared of anyone seeing me this way. i am just in a mess. sorry to seem so dramatic. i want to scream and cry for help but am afraid of being hysterical (has happened before). feel too scared to move almost. can anyone help?

04-07-06, 10:26
Hi kerry, sorry you are feeling so bad. It is very hot at the moment and that is probably not helping you, make sure you drink enough water as you could be suffering some dehydration symptoms as well as anxiety. Try and keep cool, is there anyone that you can call - friend, neighbour, family that could come and sit with you and distract you for a while? I know you don't want people to see you like that but sometimes we just need support. Have you contacted your doctor? I had panic that lasted for about three days and it felt yuck but it did pass, yours will too. Try and relax, listen to some music or something like that to distract yourself. the more anxious/frightened you are the more you are releaseing stress hormones into your body and it is keeping the symptoms going so try and relax a bit, i know it is hard but if you can do that it will lessen the panic. I so hope you feel better soon. Thinking of you Kerry.

Take care

'This too will pass'

04-07-06, 10:45
Oh hun,
Sorry to see you are feeling bad.
As daisy said the weather is probably making you feel stifeled.
You just need to try and tell yourself that this is another symptom and it will pass. the longer you dwell on it the longer it will remain. It sounds like you are fighting it. DONT. Let it roll over you and it will pass.

Hope you feel better soon x

Hay x

04-07-06, 10:50
thankyou for replies. have got myself into a right state-went to my neighbours who i get on with and cried a lot-told him what was worrying me. he said i could stay all day but i don't want to be a nuisance. i have come back to my house now and he said he will come round later.
i feel so stupid, embarassed. i know i'm making it worse but i really feel hysterical. i am strugglind to drink, made myself breakfast but couldn't eat it. i just have this feeling of being about to be sick which i really hate. so sorry to go on, it's not nice to read.

polly daydream
04-07-06, 11:23
Hi Kerry, sorry you are not feeling great, I'm not that much better myself today, so you are not alone.

Take care sweet,


04-07-06, 11:45
thankyou polly, i am sorry you are not feeling good. i hope that you soon feel calmer. i always think i am the only one, it feels like isolation, like i'm the only one and standing on the outside looking in. how does everyone get through days where it is so bad you can't eat and drink?

april tones
04-07-06, 12:03
hi kerry, i have been the same latelty!
i have suffered with panic on and off for 5 yrs
mine come recently with stress of moving though
read some of my posts if you want? x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

04-07-06, 12:36
Hi Kerry,

I havnt had an attack for 3 months but sat just gone i had one, i was a little shocked at first and then just tried to remind myself that it cant hurt me, didnt last very long because i didnt let myself panic with it. stick in there and im sure you'll be fine, i agree that the heat is making it worse, i have been very breathless lately.

You''ll be fine and just keep telling yourself that, try and contol your breathing (easier said than done i know), have you got anti sickness tabs? if not try and get yourself some.

Take care hunny


polly daydream
04-07-06, 13:01
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">thankyou polly, i am sorry you are not feeling good. i hope that you soon feel calmer. i always think i am the only one, it feels like isolation, like i'm the only one and standing on the outside looking in. how does everyone get through days where it is so bad you can't eat and drink?

<div align="right">Originally posted by Kerry - 04 July 2006 : 12:45:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Hi Kerry, I know it's hard but make sure you do try and eat something even if you force it down, this is what I have to do when having a bad day. I find eating bananas help as they can also lift your mood but when we have bad anxiety I know that this is hard to achieve. I have eaten two so far today. Drink plenty of fluids also. Green tea is good. Try to do things around the house, play some music, it helps me.
How are you doing right now?

Polly x

04-07-06, 13:28
thankyou all.
liz-anti nausea tablets-do they work? it is one of my main symptoms, i am afraid of being/feelling sick.

nigel-thankyou for your considered post-i am drinking water - sips - and am trying to distract myself looking at the internet and have classic fm on.
i have apologised a million times to my neighbour but he insists it is fine as i looked after him when he was ill. (he's 70). i'm going to watch the tennis then perhaps if i feel ok i will aim to wander round the block, we'll see. distraction tactics.

polly- i am a bit calmer than earlier but still nauseous and panicky feeling. i try to drink water, have cut out caffeine and have some fruit for lunch, perhaps some bread, just plain stuff.

the problem is really stupid, perhaps it's not even a problem strictly speaking. it's a bit embarassing really.

but i am not sleeping properly and sleep i have always needed to function. i had 4hrs last night, 5/6 previous night, proabably not slept well for about a week. i cannot seem to switch my mind off, i work shifts too so sometimes finish quite late.
thankyou all for your support, it is comforting.

04-07-06, 14:41

I'm so sorry to hear about the state that you are in. Try calming yourself down by listening to music, watching TV or even drawing. It'll take your mind of the panic attack. Also try calling someone to talk to you, that will also take your mind of the attack too.

Hope you feel better soon.

Scooties Back

04-07-06, 14:56

So sorry you are having a bad time at the moment.

Please don't despair - many of us have felt like this before and have all receovered. I know how dreadful it is.

Your poor sleep is not helping either. So consider that so many things are against you - sleep; heat and of course the worry.

Don't be shy of your neighbour - he is trying to support you, and that's what you need right now.

Eat something nutricous and tasty - a banana or something. Something succulent for the heat (if its still hot where you are). Try and prepare a small meal this evening, even if its just a ham and lettuce sandwich..

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

Sue K with 5
04-07-06, 15:21
Hi kerry

The first and most important thing to remember is that your in control, never let it take over, I have been feeling much the same myself lately.

You need to try and close your eyes and sit quietly until you feel in charge again.

This will ease off I promise you. Crying is good sometimes it allows those emotions to be released and you can feel better for it.

I dont know if your on medication or if you have some kind of councelling but your have many friends here and this is a great support network.

all the other advise your given is great so deep breaths and focus on your positives

and big hugs honey


04-07-06, 20:38
thankyou for your replies, they are comforting. i feel a little calmer this evening. i think i am lucky to have this neighbour! i have had a small tea and watched some tv. i have some medication i can take if necessary, but i do feel 'guilty' about it, am trying to convince myself that it is there to be used to help and that it is ok.

05-07-06, 11:13
Hi Kerry,

I take stelazine when i'm feeling a bit funny and sick and they do seem to help, stelazine is an anxiety drug that i got from the doc, but it's also for sickness.

so i would def give anti sickness tabs a try.

hope your feeling better today.


05-07-06, 11:54
It must be this humid weather, I am exactly the same. I was actually starting to feel better but this past fortnight I've gotten worse than ever. I was meant to go to the doctor today for my monthly appt and I couldn't manage, I had to just phone her. Don't feel guilty about taking the meds, if you were treating a physical problem guilt wouldn't even be an issue so take the med if it helps xxx

05-07-06, 15:07
thanks for your replies all.
Nel-i guess i have always felt that i should be able to pull myself out of it and taking med was a weakness.
this has been a view reinforced by family and my current o/h. he hates the tablets and feels that i have managed previously and that it is a slippery slope to addiction. he doesn't feel that they solve anything. therefore i feel guilty and don't tell him when i take them, although i'm sure he knows and notices.

my friends however disagree with him and reassure me it is such a small dose and i must do whatever is necessary to put myself first to feel better. so i have very mixed feelings about them. i try to take the diazepam as little as possible. prior to today i had none for 6 weeks and try not to take them for more than a couple of days, coming off by taking half doses. i take a escitaloprim each day.

i don't know really how to handle these conflicts. i try so hard to make positive changes and help myself. i attend counselling (beneficial) and have changed my lifestyle to include exercise, changed my diet etc.
anyone any advice about how to deal with this conflict? (sorry, bit of a long post)

05-07-06, 15:42
the only advice i can give about a conflict of opinions is do what you want to do not what anyone else wants you to do.

but you do have to take responsibility for your decision, you can't blame anyone else if your decision turns out to be the wrong one.

but that is life, you are allowed to make mistakes.

this panic/anxiety plays havoc with your ability to think straight and to make confident decisions, if you lower your anxiety levels then you can start to think a bit clearer.

hope this helps, after years of confusion and fear, now i don't even ask other people what they would do, i just do what i want to do and i trust that i know what is right for me. but if you really are in a bad place then i think you may struggle to do that, but it takes time and your on a journey of understanding why you are feeling like this and learning how to deal with it


06-07-06, 20:31
i can try and think of it as 'part' of an answer as i am trying other things too-diet/exercise. i don't want to rely on them to cover up stuff that needs working through. i am exploring other issues in counselling-he feels there are understandable reasons for my problems. although i do feel though that unless you've really experienced anxiety and panic with the best will in the world you can't understand fully which is why i come here. it's so valuable.