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18-04-12, 10:04
Hi everyone new member, gona unload abit on you as much detail as i can bare with me please :)

well im male 24, ive had depression in the past, for the past 2 year or so i have noticed that i have real anger problems i mean i snap at anything my girlfriend says its like somebody else when i snap, i get stressed out for no reason, as quickly as i can snap i can get really depressed suicidal thoughts and stuff, also im stupid about other stuff, like for example if my girlfriend makes me food/drink i think what has she done to it, its gona harm me so i dont eat/drink it, this isnt just with my girlfriend its everyone, i get anxiety when im out dont look at people incase they make some big deal of it, sometimes think people are talking about me, i can have high days when im happy as larry full of energy and happyness then bang can snap into depression or slip out in anger for no reason what so ever im struggling to think whats wrong, this is just a simple overdraft of what im like, i used to have OCD i have overcome this im happy about that, can anyone shed any light or have same symptoms?

much thanks in advance x

18-04-12, 10:31
Fanta welcome to NMP.

Members of NMP are not doctors but I guess as a collective you could say that we have a wealth of experiences and some knowledge - In my experience I would suggest that the thoughts that you are having could be your OCD presenting its self in another form (not all OCD is hand washing and routines). I would also suggest you read up and think about social anxiety as some of the things you describe could fit into this category...

However as i said in the beginning I am not a doctor or professionally qualified in this area... and would suggest that only seeking help on an open forum is as unhelpful as Dr. Google.

If you have not been to see your GP - i would advise that this be your first step - and if you have been what did s/he say?


18-04-12, 12:05
Hi fanta,
I'm new here as well, one thing you will find on here is support from perfect strangers, they are seriously nice on here. I'm a 28 year old male and currently seeking help for depression. I to get snappy nd irritable at times, people sometimes just p*** you for no reason. I'm afraid that's part of the package with depression and anxiety. As you said your not angry all the time so use that as a positive. Remember it's your anxiety and depression acting out not you as a person.