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18-04-12, 11:17
Good morning everyone,

So this is where i tell you a little about me then, (goodness i feel like im on a dating site or something ha ha)

Ok so im a 33 year old female, I work as a civil servant, but dont hate me for that.

Im not going to jump in with the woe is me stuff as that's what i do all the time according to my friends and family. (so I shall pretend like everything ok instead cos it makes everyone else feel better.)

I have been suffering with Depression, anxiety, Self harm and mild OCD for a great many years now.

So that's me mostly normal with a side of crazy now and again.

If there's anything you would like to know please ask.


18-04-12, 11:18
hi and welcome !

18-04-12, 11:19
Hi Pinkcasi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-04-12, 11:42
Hello George,

I joined up to this site a couple of weeks and I've found everyone here to be really friendly and helpful - I'm sure you'll find the same too. :)

Are you having any therapy or on any medication for your problems?


18-04-12, 14:21
Hi, goodness that was a fast response from you all thanks for the welcome.

MrRed, i've been there done it all popped the pills grew out of the t shirt, no seriously i've been on a few antidepressant's over the years, talked to a few therapists, I think for a long time i was not really very accepting of the issues that i have, or had or whatever, now im older and i can feel or see or sense these 'episodes' (for want of a better word) coming, normally i can just take to my bed for a few days and then im ok, sometimes im not.

I've been on Citalopram for about 18 mths - 2 years now following a pretty bad breakdown, and i actually called my Dr today to get another script as i stopped taking them and this week has been one of the most hideous weeks ever, so not ready to go cold turkey it would appear.

For the most part I deal with stuff, or at least i did for years, but according to my dr my way of coping is not healthy (shouldn't cut yourself just cos you've had a bad day at the office, who knew?!)

18-04-12, 14:43
Hi, you certainly seem to have a good sense of humour about it - Tricky thing to maintain, I know but it will help :)

I've never done it myself, but from virtually everything I've heard, going cold-turkey is never really a good idea. Weaning and tapering is the way forward, it's what all the cool kids are doing (when the time is right..)

Have you found the Citalopram helpful?

18-04-12, 14:52
Yeah it what i do hide behind a lil bit of laughter, take the mic and nothing can hurt you, it's how we roll in my family, and yeah it's exhausting to maintain, but it's even more exhausting to let it take over you know.

Urm yeahi think they helped, i mean i didn't think they were but pretty much as soon as i stoppedi took a serious nose dive, i dont know whether it's the cold turkey way i went about it or just that the druge were hiding the real me, but either way when i was on them i didn't want to kill myself every day, so that's a bonus!
Nowim wondering whetehr i should ride out the 'withdraw' or go back on the pills....

18-04-12, 14:57
Yeah it what i do hide behind a lil bit of laughter, take the mic and nothing can hurt you, it's how we roll in my family, and yeah it's exhausting to maintain, but it's even more exhausting to let it take over you know.

Urm yeahi think they helped, i mean i didn't think they were but pretty much as soon as i stoppedi took a serious nose dive, i dont know whether it's the cold turkey way i went about it or just that the druge were hiding the real me, but either way when i was on them i didn't want to kill myself every day, so that's a bonus!
Nowim wondering whetehr i should ride out the 'withdraw' or go back on the pills....

True words there about the laughter..

Wellllll I'd speak to your doc. If you thought you could've got more of a response, then perhaps you could try a different one?
The nose dive may well have been due to the sudden withdrawal, rather than any depression returning.
If you do decide to come off then definitely work out a slow taper I reckon!

18-04-12, 15:10
Well we dont really talk about anything in my family so i spend most of my time pretending everything is dandy, when all i want to do is take to my bed and cry.

Yeah i dont think it was really the right time to do it to be honest, i've just had the mother of all falling's out with my sister, asnd my boyfriend moved in only a few weeks ago, it's been a mega stress time, the anxiety has been at an all time high, with there being a smelly boy in my house moving things about, and it doesn't matter how understanding he is no one quite get's it right, so im having to hold down the OCD and anxiety freak just now and accept that perhaps not everyone is as nobby about where the darn coasters go! god it makes my chest tight just thinking about it, jeez i didn't even realise until i wrote it down, im stressing out about having him move in likenot in a love way but in a mental freak way, i thought i was being so calm about it all.
Well this has been enlightening thanks ha ha

18-04-12, 15:15
Well this has been enlightening thanks ha ha

Excellent! And we don't charge by the hour here :)

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