View Full Version : Hello from Scruffkin

18-04-12, 12:44
Hi all,
I have suffered from anxiety since having a bad accident 5 years ago were I fractured my spine, my hip and lost a kidney and my spleen. I also developed serious bed sores as a result of extremely poor treatment at the first hospital I was in.
I think it was my treatment at that hospital which sparked my anxiety off, it was the worst period of my life and left me feeling helpless, vulnerable and I often have terrible nightmares were I am back on that ward.

My anxieties mainly take the form of health worries which become very pre-occupying, this then makes me very cross with myself as the logical part of my brain knows how unlikely it is that I am going to have all these weird diseases/illnesses.

I have found reading the threads and articles on here quiet helpful but am struggling a bit more than usual at the moment because of a stressful event that is currently on going.
Again this hooha isn't even that dreadful and I'm sure it's solvable but I am feeling very out of control of my own life and struggling to carry on with my daily routine/things I need to do.

18-04-12, 12:46
Hi Scruffkin

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.