View Full Version : Put on 14lb since October

18-04-12, 14:34
Hi Everybody,I joined the forum in October when my doctor started me on 20mg Citalopram.I was having panic attacks,extreme anxiety and very depressed at the time but the pills have helped me alot,i am 98% back to my old self.The only problem i've had is weight gain..i went to the doctors on Monday and she said i've put on a whopping 14lbs since October my diet has always been normal tho i do like the odd drink and takeaway anybody gained weight?:shrug:

18-04-12, 14:39
yes really common side effect on most AD's from what I gather.

What did your doctor say?? I would asses it and if you put more weight on rapidly, perhaps ask to go on soemthign else. Unless it does not worry you of course!

18-04-12, 14:47
Yeah I've put on 2 stone since I started Sertraline 50mg 17 months ago! I know its a small price to pay for better mental health, but I actually find myself hungry all the time. I am relatively active when I finish my desk job each day but the weight just seems to have piled on me :( its actually making me a bit fed up now as I cant seem to shift it...

From what I've read it is a common side affect of AD's

18-04-12, 15:01
I agree the weight issue comes second to feeling well. Tbh I was on Prozac for years and never gained much weight.

Now if you want to gain weight on an a/d try Mirtazapine - that should come with a government health warning!

18-04-12, 15:07
yeah meds are known to make you gain weight.. but like said if you are feeling well and better, you tend to eat more anyway!

18-04-12, 15:07
I'm 17 days into taking duloxetine, and after the initial nausea I'm finding it to be pretty 'appetite-neutral' in that I don't find myself eating more or less than normal.

Now if you want to gain weight on an a/d try Mirtazapine - that should come with a government health warning!

Amen to that! I became a hoover for food on mirt.. especially last thing at night.

18-04-12, 15:21
yeah my mate put on heaps of weight n mirt!

I'm keeping everything crossed that i don't balloon on ven! x

18-04-12, 15:54
Thanks for the replies-My doctor is happy with my treatment she just wants me to try and lose the added weight and do more exercises and she will weigh me again in 5 weeks