View Full Version : bad health check!

18-04-12, 15:16
My partner has been suffering from a very back shoulder and back complaint for about a year now through working in care with a company thats health and safety was apalling! She has been ongoing to doctors ans physio for quite some time and been on endless different pain releive for this. She is now is the process of being refered to a spin specialist. Anyways it has come to the point that her employer has sent her to a occupational health check which she attended today. She sat there for all of 10 minute only to be insulted, made to feel like she was in the wrong. She was told that the spin specialist wouldn't be able to help so why bother and he generally made her feel so bad to the point where she walked out in tears!!!

I thought the point of this interview with them was to examine, help and come to a solution. I just wanted to know where / how I can make a complaint and if this is standard practise. It wasn't me that went for the appointment but I AM so angry!!!

Can anyone help??:wacko:

18-04-12, 15:17
Hi morgan7

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-04-12, 15:21
Ive had a bad back for over 2yrs, trapped nerves too... to be honest ive never been to gp... i did got to an osteo for a while for treatments...
my niece is only 23 and has worn discs in lower back, over the years, shes seen loads of specialists, some have even said theres nothing wrong with her, and wont help her... i think this is why i dont bother to go to gp...
Im sure you can complain, but as with alot of cases you read, nothing will come of it i doubt..