View Full Version : My baby has a swelling above her cheek bone by her eye

18-04-12, 17:33
Its fairly soft to touch and doesnt cause her any discomfort. She is otherwise a very healthy child.

Ive looked on Google and i think the area in question is 'Temporal fascia' but im not sure.

The welling is next to her left eye and by her cheek bone.

We have an ultrasound booked for tomorrow but we so worried.

Has anyone any ideas? :weep:

miss sparkle
18-04-12, 22:04
i don't have any idea what it could be, but hope scan goes well and gives you some useful info.
let us know x

18-04-12, 22:50
What did the doc think it could be Peter?

19-04-12, 09:21
The peaditrician, registrar and a specialist looked and they dont know.

But as its not causing her any issues and she's well herself they said its nothing serious. But its still there and quite protruding.

A scan at the hospital booked for this morning.

Will let you know how we get on.