View Full Version : This week's ailment - chest pain

18-04-12, 22:45
This site is amazing. Reading the blurb about Health Anxiety, my god that's ME.

Over the years I have been absolutely convinced I had a million different maladies. I'll have some symptom that will trigger a massive wave of fear and googling. While googling, I'll generally find something horrible that fits with my symptoms perfectly. This leads to sleepless nights, trips to the doctors sick with dread, and alternating between making my partner promise that I don't have cancer (WTF?) and promising she'll stay with me until the end if I find out I'm dying.
Just typing that makes me cringe because I know how stupid it sounds and yet at the time it's so crucially important.

Recent symptoms vs actuals:

Symptom: ~5 lymph nodes up on various parts of my body.
Deduction: Lymphoma, definitely
Actual: Nothing, 2 haematologists have confirmed that it's completely benign

Symptom: Mole on ear
Deduction: Melanoma
Actual: NOT a melanoma

Symptom: Back pain
Deduction: Lung cancer, due to metastasis from bowel/ovarian/cervical/skin/other cancer.
Actual: Nothing. Just back pain, probably from slouching at my desk at work

Symptom: Sore foot and leg after a plane flight
Deduction: DVT
Actual: Nothing. Probably a cramp from sitting so long

Symptom: Small lump on nose
Deduction: Basal cell carcinoma
Actual: Blocked sebaceous gland

Symptom: Confusion and tiredness
Deduction: Brain tumour
Actual: Low iron

This week it's chest pain. Now we are talking bad chest pain that came on relatively suddenly. I googled it (naturally) and jesus christ! this must be an aortic dissecting aneurysm.
I got myself so worried about it today that I could barely think of anything else. Then I started to feel dizzy. Pain seemed to get worse and next minute, I'm waiting for an ambulance with my anxious workmates around me.
At the hospital a chest xray, ECG, and bloods all came back clear. Now I've been sent home with a packet of paracetamol, and a suggestion that it could be a) esophageal spasm, b) reflux, c) costochondritis, d) some other fourth thing.
I'm leaning towards d) because google tells me my symptoms don't quite fit the first three.

A little part of me's wondering if the dizziness was because I got myself so bloody freaked about it. Another part of me still worries that it's a dissecting aneurysm. Usual story, perhaps the doctors missed something? A normal ECG doesn't mean no aneurysm. A negative d-dimer test doesn't mean no aneurysm. A clear chest x-ray doesn't mean no aneurysm.
I've also been worrying a bit about breast cancer or something similar.

If this is another false alarm, I'll have hit a new low. Thinking back on the ambulance today, and having to go back to work to say "no they said everything is fine, but I might have reflux"... Argh. I almost wish the docs HAD found something so I could feel like the fuss was justified.

Sigh. My chest hurts.

18-04-12, 22:49
Hi and :welcome:

Well it won't be an aneurysm as you would be dead by now - they kill you pretty quickly.

You don't say where the chest pain is and what other symtons you have etc?

18-04-12, 22:56
Ah yes, but then google tells me that you can have a smaller aneurysm that is chronic rather than an acute BIG BANG thing. I could be that unlucky. See? It all leads back to aneuryms ;)

Symptoms, well, pain below my sternum that came on suddenly a week or so ago, really badly, then passed. I worried over it for a few days but it receded to a dull ache. Today the pain came back, near the sternum again, but this time slightly to the right, accompanied with dizziness and nausea. The internets tell me that sometimes with dissecting aneurysms, the pain can be centralised then move or radiate to your back, shoulder etc when the aneurysm "worsens".

I'm actually starting to wonder if my thinking about the gravity of the situation (it feels extremely grave and dangerous!!) is a bit impaired.

18-04-12, 23:00
I think if the hospital checked you out it is highly unlikely to be honest.

You do need to trust them on this one I think but go and see your own GP and discuss the worries with him/her as well.

They can try and treat the reflux to see if that helps.

18-04-12, 23:08
Thanks for the reassurance.
Logically, I know you're probably right. The likelihood is low.
I'm just going to keep telling myself that. And watch a movie. Distraction is the key!

18-04-12, 23:14
Yeah try and distract yourself and no googling ok lol

19-04-12, 07:39
Stop visiting Dr Google...
~I do this all the time~
Prob why im constantly in panic mode.....


19-04-12, 08:02
Hello Argh!
I have had chest pains for around 3 years now and I suffer from Costochondritis and Reflux and from what you have said I would learn towards it being Costochondritis.

For me the first 6 months was really bad it was like having a heart attack all day everyday and worse at night, For most people costochondritis will clear-up after a few weeks I am just one of the unlucky ones.

When i was first having it really bad i would get dizzy because i was starting to panic and fear the worst and like you I have been to A&E via a ambulance twice now with chest pains that spread to the left arm and dizziness, short of breath and sweating and all my tests cameback pointing to NO heart attack.

I still panic a few times a day when i start to feel chest pain but have to tell myself it is my costochondritis or reflux playing up.

Hope you feel better soon and it all passes