View Full Version : Can anyone help please put my mind at rest?

19-04-12, 11:29
I have been on cit 20mg for 5 weeks now and can honestly say i am not anxiety free but lots better than i was.....only tues i had a panic attack whilst in asda and since then have been feeling anxious again and not wanting to go out again and having chest flutters. Has anyone else had similar experience and do you think its alittle set back from the panic ttack whilst im feeling like this?

Any advicw would be great


19-04-12, 11:34
Hi Chrissie:welcome: you sound as though you have been doing really well - it was probably a blip! You sound on the right track! There are lots of people on Citalopram on this site who sound as though they are doing well. A big supermarket is enough for anyone to feel anxious - but it has probably affected your confidence - try and carry on as normal - just a setback - which happens.

Look under Citalopram threads - lot of advice on there.

Best Wishes Laura:welcome:

19-04-12, 12:04

I'm nearly 5 weeks in too and having a set back, yesterday and today I've felt rubbish but reckon its cos I over did it with the caffeine yesterday.

Like Laura says its just a blip some days I'm better than others but the good days are outweighing the bad at the moment so can't moan as a lot better than I was before taking Cit. Hoping it levels off soon and I get back to normality and that the same happens for you.

Take care,


19-04-12, 17:34
Hi Chrissie,
I found that at the 5 week stage I was still quite up and down, I could have a really good week, then a blip the next week. Gradually bit by bit it should get better and you should have few lows - it took about 2 months for it to really level out, and even 4.5months in i still get the odd blip, but they are not so severe and are quite manageable. It sounds like you are making good progress - really important not to beat yourself up!

20-04-12, 06:59
Thanks guys....i am lots better than i was and have explained to myself why it happened etc and that im off forward not back lol so i will continue climbing....i will reach the top.

Thanks again and i wish you all the best x

20-04-12, 07:30
hi chrissy, ive been on 10mg cit for a similar time to you and your symptoms and mine are the same. i too had a big panic attack in an indoor shopping mall and had to find a seat to sit down. i wanted to get back to the safety of my car but didnt think id be able to do it and just felt the urge to lay down. i managed to sit there while wave after wave of panic came at me. i took a 2mg diazepam to help me. my wife suggested i move from one seat to another to help me get to the car but as the feelings subsided i was able to walk all the way back to the car. she asked if i wanted to go home, a 40 mile drive but i decided we go to the tesco superstore and we did some shopping and i drove home, popping in to see my sons just born baby. since then i am feeling unable to go out and constantly push my anxiety up by checking my pulse which is quite quick and feeling every body reaction such as yours. the wife says thats due to me stressing about what happened and the feeling it will happen again. the hard bit is now to build up confidence to get out again but reading on here there are many of us trying to do the same thing.