View Full Version : scared of losing the plot

19-04-12, 11:52
having had anxiety all day for 6 weeks or more now,is it possible that it can over load the brain and lead to a breakdown? that thought is scaring the hell out of me,:unsure:

Little elfin
19-04-12, 12:00
Hey lovely,
I know exactly how you feel, and it is soooo scary. Anxiety doesn't lead to a breakdown, or insanity although at times it does feel like that!
Hugs to you

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19-04-12, 13:49
It def can feel like it. I've been stressing the past couple of weeks like crazy and have been having breakdowns all week because it just is so exhausting. I truly feel insane! But as scary as it is, anxiety really cannot harm you. You won't have a psychotic break or anything.

19-04-12, 15:51
i constantly feel like im loosing my mind and think.im going to go completely mad n end up in a padded room somewhere!

19-04-12, 16:31
hope this doesnt sound bad but, im glad its not just me then xxxxx :bighug1:

19-04-12, 17:55
makes me feel better im not alone ha

19-04-12, 18:57
I feel exactly the same... I can absolutely relate to this. I feel like I'm in a dark place at the moment and I constantly worry that I'm going insane. With severe anxiety you feel like your on the edge and that at any moment you will fall into madness. I worry about this all the time. Each time I have a panic attack I feel like I'm dissolving into madness and that I'm losing contact with reality. Its really unpleasant and the more you panic the worse you feel. It's difficult for people without anxiety to understand but we're all in this together. We're not crazy we just need time to heal. :hugs:

19-04-12, 21:35
I once just drove for 2 hours, I didn't know where I was going but I was in such a state, I did at that point feel like I had completely lost the plot. This was when I had a breakdown 2 1/2 years ago, that was one of the lowest points of my life.

I know how bad it can be but things can improve for you, they did for me.

19-04-12, 21:49
So are we saying it can lead to a breakdown?
found this link:

i can definately relate to those symptons...

19-04-12, 22:08
do you consider yourself to have had a nervous breakdown stormsky?

19-04-12, 22:50
So are we saying it can lead to a breakdown?
found this link:

i can definately relate to those symptons...

Great article Stormsky.....this is exactly what happened to me last November.....

Miniminx.....I think you will know if this happens to you (and I don't believe it will) as the article says, you shut down completley. It just hit me completley out of the blue, I literally came to a complete standstill one day and never went out the door or answered the phone or spoke or interacted with people....basically I completley withdrew myself from life and detatched myself from everything around me. Not nice. You are not going there nor are you going mad :hugs: Kitti xxx

19-04-12, 23:56
do you consider yourself to have had a nervous breakdown stormsky?

i never thought so, but reading that link, i did have stages of not getting up, no interest in anyone...
I think we always see a breakdown as something alot worse, like ending up in hospital ...when it can be the things the link said, like just not coping or caring about anything...

20-04-12, 15:00
When I look back into what happened to me over a month ago, it was definitely some form of a mini breakdown...I wasn't hospitalized but I was crying all the time and my nerves were definitely shot. The smallest things like having to wash the dishes seemed impossible to me and my sleeping was really messed up and I had no concept of time anymore, lol.
I know it sounds scary, but it's honestly just you're body being fed up and tired. I got out of it by learning to relax and doing physical activity like swimming and such. Try mediation or hypnosis CD's / audios..they're really helpful. This guy on youtube, MrRedlollypop has really good ones! Looking back it wasn't scary in the sense of impending doom scary, it just sucked! Don't add to your stress by worrying about it...just find ways to lower your stress levels. I would literally TELL my body "You are not allowed to be stressed' and I would stop myself from thinking anxiously with force, lol.