View Full Version : Doctor no help at all

19-04-12, 13:30

I am on pregabalin 75mg 3 times a day for my anxiety/panic attacks and it has been working will but in the last 2 weeks it has felt that things are going backwards.

I am starting to get into panics more often (yet to have a full blown panic attack) and my anxiey levels are raising starting to to get mouth sores due to a strange habit i have formed ie sucking on the inside of my mouth cannot stop.

But the thing is i seen my doctor last week and asked about if they could increase my pregabalin and because i was anxious at the time she has told me she will not talk to me if i am anxious (was late getting in and had my kids with me) but apart from that was feeling ok.

What am i to do try again or what

Oh she did give me some diazepam 2mg (14) incase of a panic attack but have never used them before and would like to possible sort something out for the long run.

19-04-12, 13:44
what is your heart rate when you are feeling stressed as i can feel mine pounding away which only increases my stress and i cant seem to slow it to the normal levels. when i rang my gp he just said take a diazepam which are 2mg but that doesnt seem to help.

19-04-12, 20:17
kestral have you tried a beta blocker?

20-04-12, 00:24
already taking some