View Full Version : I just want to cry my eyes out right now......

19-04-12, 18:44

I'm on the verge of crying my eyes out here....I just went to the shop and I havnt seen the owner for about 3 weeks...
He just said to me within mins of being in there,..you've lost loads of weight...I said it's prob my anxiety as my appetite has been bad the last month or so and he said "oh, I thought you might be really ill "*

Then when I got back I asked my husband if I look ok and he said oh you look really pale...I asked him If I look skinnier then he started saying about my eating...
I asked again have a lost loads of weight and he said no don't think so....

Now I'm totally paranoid that something's wrong and I'm wasting....

I can't take much more of this......

19-04-12, 18:51
Theirs nothing wrong with you! You just need to eat again so you can out it back on and the reason your pale is because you need the food so eat :) Just stop being paranoid about it you should start getting worried when you look anorexic which i doubt you do it will be fine i promise you :)

19-04-12, 19:05
If you are not eating properly then you will lose weight so that will be all it is

19-04-12, 19:10
tell the owner hes ugly
but you can get better
god bless

19-04-12, 23:34
Em! Pull yourself together! You are healthy!
I have had the exact same thing going on......I also lose weight when I have bad anxiety because I just can't eat properly! Everyone I've seen and even those I just saw a few days ago have all commented on me looking skinny! My dad tells me to eat cause I don't look well too!! But it doesn't worry me because I know that whenever I have a nervous breakdown I always lose weight and look unwell in my face. You have to remember that nervous illness is an illness!!! And that's the only one that you have. And yes, weight loss is a symptom.
Maybe it's time to try some meds for a little while? Just to pull you out Of this slump youre having? Don't make yourself suffer all the time sweetie.

Big Hugs xxx

20-04-12, 01:45
When my anxiety kicks in the last thing I want to do is eat. But it's so important to take care of yourself. If you are not able to eat a lot, at least try to eat three small but healthy meals.

20-04-12, 08:13
I also lose weight when I have bad anxiety because I just can't eat properly!

20-04-12, 08:17
I lost just over 4 stone on purpose last year.

In the last 5 weeks I lost another 5 pounds by not eating. Yeah, I wondered if it was cancer or something but not eating much and anxiety will result in weight loss and you looking a bit run down/pale.

My husband tried to get me to eat but I couldn't manage it. I look a bit too skinny and people comment on it, but I went from being around 13 stone to 8 stone 2 in 14 months because I worked hard at dieting and working out, so it was a drastic change lol

Don't worry, just slowly try to eat more. If you can't eat more try some shakes or something with vitamins in while you get your appetite back.

20-04-12, 18:49
Hello, I am in the same boat right now. I have not had an appetite due to anxiety for a month now. How long has your appetite been gone? I totally hate this!!! Does your stomach area feel weird or diff cuz your eating habits changed? What can u usually eat during the day? I just started my zoloft again r days ago after being off for 3 months, now I think that's even affecting the loss of appetite even more :(