View Full Version : kick in the teeth

19-04-12, 19:12
hi guys i have been fine for a few months really since xmas i have lowered my sertine to 100mg everyother day, i have 4 teeth that need to come out and i am absoultly petrified of the dentist to the point where i cant even phone to make an appointment without crying, i have got it into my head that my to my head that my bad teeth have may have given me cancer or something serious for my health. i keep going really dizzy and feel like crying and running out the house i just feel i have gone back to square one or are these symptoms somehthing more serious due to my teeth. someone please give me some reassurance :-( :-(

19-04-12, 19:48
I hate the dentists as well, last time I had to go for a check up I panicked so much beforehand I ended up crying so i know how you feel. If you're that worried you need to tell the dentists when you get in there, they won't start poking around in your mouth until you say its ok. There are even options about having sedatives if you're going to panic. Talk to the dentists beforehand and see what they suggest :)