View Full Version : verry worried/ permanent mouth ulsar

20-04-12, 04:51
Ive got a mouth ulsar on the inside of my lip, it dosen't hurt but nothing i do seems to phase it or reduce its appearance in size. Its quite large so its been holding me back alot socialy and has taken a huge toll on my confidence. I am still not sure what type of ulsar it is, but it isn't any weird colour and is has some type of semi-soft rubbery texture inside, so if anyone knows what sort of ulsar i have please let me know how to get rid of it or how to reduce it in size or to just remove it.

20-04-12, 12:29
you may need to visit your dentist so he can assess it, maybe you just need some vitamins but you should still get it checked out for yor own piece of mind

20-04-12, 14:14
Agree, only a dentist can tell. He may even be able to give you something to make it go away.