View Full Version : GAD Crisis Strategy Question

20-04-12, 07:33
Hello all. I have been wondering what the best general strategy is when facing an anxiety crisis.

First some background:
I had an anxiety crisis about 15 years ago where all of a sudden I had massive panic attacks and anxiety out of the blue. My GP at the time was not helpful at all so I spent a long time convinced I was going insane. I developed agoraphobia and was crippled by it for a couple of years. By then I felt I understood my feelings, so I gradually pushed my limits and the euphoria of success dealt with my anxiety. After about 6 months I felt pretty normal and considered myself cured.

I then had another crisis about 5 years ago following some health concerns with my new son. My GP was a lot better and put me on Citalopram. He also signed me off work for a bit. I weathered the anxiety and cycled a lot while off sick. This time the anxiety gradually lowered and I went back to work after 6 weeks. I have never felt completely OK since though.

4 weeks ago my GP suggested a switch from Citalopram to Sertraline. I have been feeling worse during the transition and had a few big attacks in the last few days leading to a crisis of anxiety yesterday. I have some diazepams on standby so have taken 4mg this morning to cope with the day.

My question is what is the most effective goal to aim for? If I try to use the meds to squash the anxiety for a week or two is this likely to reduce my anxiety levels so that I can deal with them in a more relaxed way? Or is it best to just take the anxiety with no extra help and let it run it's course which I know will probably take some time and will be very miserable?

I suppose my main question is whether it's best to step back and do everything to not panic until the intensity of feelings reduces, or to try to carry on and take the panic and anxiety hoping it will lessen with exposure?

Any thoughts would be very welcome.

20-04-12, 07:52
Hi James,

You're asking a good question and I think the answer varies from person to person.

My own strategy is to try and deal with the root cause of my anxiety without meds unless the symptoms start to impact on my life. This happened just after new year and I'm now on ADs which have given me the space to think more clearly and get things into perspective.

At the same time, I'm doing an online CBT course, exercising more and watching what I eat. I'm also drinking very little alcohol (I never drink much anyway). I aim to be off the meds some time later this year.

I'm not saying this will necessarily work for you but it is doing the trick for me. This is after suffering from GAD for a long time and never really getting to the bottom of it properly.

Hope that helps

Pip x

20-04-12, 10:37
Thanks Pip. I think my plan this time is to diazepam the next day or two away then call sick at work and go out cycling with some chilled out music. The cycling has always been a big help before but it's difficult to find time.