View Full Version : Hi - Coming off Propranolol

20-04-12, 11:01
Hi everyone,

I have been taking Propranolol for over a year now.
Basically my story is that my boss can be a bully (he has now retired! but still calls and comes in) and I had just passed my driving test (at 38 first time)

It was the shakes that got me, I couldn't carry coffee in the Board room or pick at drink up in public, whether at bf's parents or in a pub, a pint was a nightmare. It made me look like i had the DTs!!

I am down to taking one a day but the dr wants me to come off. I have managed to get her to give me a new prescription but now as the tablets are getting low I am getting anxious as I have to go and see her on Tuesday.

I really don't feel ready to come off them yet. Any thoughts/ideas??


20-04-12, 11:02
Hi Happyjo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-04-12, 23:00
Hi Jo and :welcome:

None of us wants to be dependent on medication as it's only through our own determination that we can get better - the meds just help some people to think more clearly and deal with the physical symptoms, like you're describing. I recognise those symptoms very well and I have taken beta blockers (Oxprenolol) to help me with them.

I suppose that it could be worth coming off the beta blockers and giving it a go. Your GP obviously thinks you're strong enough to go it alone and, remember, nothing's irreversible. If you get your symptoms back, go and see your GP and start again on a low dose.

keep in touch and good luck

Pip xx