View Full Version : A new me???

20-04-12, 15:58
OK, I am new to this so bear with me. Ive suffered from depression a number of years and recently found out that I may be suffering with GAD rather than all of the other things that have been 'assumed' about me (health anxiety/morbid jealousy/clnical depression, etc etc). I have a terrible tendency to push every man I date away for fear that he will cheat on me or leave me. I have done this throughout my life and I am currently in a very loving relationship with a man who is awesome. The patterns I have followed my entire life are pushing him away and Im desperate to stop my thoughts that he is doing wrong by me. I wont go into all of my history as you will be bored stupid. If Im not stressing about him its about my kids health, my health, or some other random worry. Once I start it seems impossible to stop until I can have certainty that everything is ok. It drives me CRAZY! In my efforts to change I am getting help from a CBT therapist and today I started a 10mg dose of Citalopram. I am scared stiff. I am also (with thanks to PsychoPoets post) taking 5 tablets of 250mg inositol with Choline (they had no powdered stuff). So, if no-one has any objections I would like to vent on here about my experiences and also get support as I know this is going to be a tough ride. Thank you all for taking the time to read. x

20-04-12, 15:59
Hi LizardQueen

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

20-04-12, 16:20
Hey welcome to NMP,

You seem like you're trying to make changes in your life that is great! I hope that goes well for you and that the CBT is effective! Let us know how that goes

All the best,

Monika xx

20-04-12, 16:21
Thank you diane and monika.

21-04-12, 09:33
Hi LizardQueen & welcome,
I also started cit 20 days ago, so we could compare notes?

21-04-12, 22:48
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP!

Pip xx

21-04-12, 22:52
Hey there, vent away! that's what were here for.

22-04-12, 20:56
Thanks guys. And Stormy, comparing notes sounds good xx