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View Full Version : cold feeling in chest

20-04-12, 17:01
hello everyone im back again .
i have been now given paroxatine 10 mg a day wich has helped but only a little ,i had the most awful sensation earlier
was sitting on sofa doing wedding stuff wen suddenly i thought my heart was beating too slow , so i jumped up and immedietly had a odd feeling of a cold sensation running through my chest like someone had poured cold water inside me and was running inside my chest ,
has anyone else felt this ??
it was weird as i started to panic but my heart wasnt racing fast as maybe the paroxatine helps it not too , bu was sooo scared i thought as per usual i was going to die . so i paced up and down for a while tried to talk to my mum , didnt help , my sister , didnt help , then i rang my nan who i spoke to for over an hr and she seemed to help alot .
i just wondered if anyone can shed some light on this for me ?x:wacko:

20-04-12, 19:32
I get this when im having im going to have an attack, my body, particulary chest goes either hot or cold.

20-04-12, 20:00
So your chest feels like someone has just ran cold water through you ? X

20-04-12, 20:15
Exactly! It happens instantly x

20-04-12, 20:37
I had this the other day in the supermarket- it's very unsettling! I thought I was going to collapse, but I was fine half an hour later. Still don't know what caused it. Mum's theory is that mine was particularly bad indigestion or something. Still, doesn't stop it from being really scary when it happens. *hugs*

20-04-12, 21:44
From getting cold feelings , to feeling like its raining on me , I've noticed that with me , tight tense mucles n possiable nerve irration seem to be a big factor .

20-04-12, 23:33
I've had the same too when I've been panicking xx