View Full Version : Hi I'm new to no more panic

Kitty witty
20-04-12, 18:09
Hi, I'm new to this site, I'm sad because I've felt the need to be here but at the same time it's a great tool for people that suffer with similar worries. I feel not alone with my problem. I have been suffering with panic disorder for about 4 months and it's horrendous to say the least. I have chosen not to take medication mainly because the possible side affects make me panic! I call that a paradox! So I'm trying to find ways and means of dealing with my panick attacks on my own and it's hard, I feel low and wondering when it's all just going to disappear so I can get back to me. In the same breath though I am going to work really hard at beating this and any advice, help, support is most welcome. My first panick attack was in wickes and the memory of that will never leave me, I thought I was going to die, my legs went from under me, the whole shop span around me, I was confused, very very scared and I couldn't even find my way out of the door! God it was awful, I have been having attacks since and although they are not as bad they still make me cry. I am striving to beat this though! X

20-04-12, 18:19
Hi Kitty witty

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-04-12, 18:22
Hello Kitty,

I joined this site nearly over 3 weeks ago and like you, I had reservations. However, I've found it incredibly helpful and supportive; everyone here is very friendly. I hope you'll find the same :)


20-04-12, 18:38
Welcome Kitty,
I've been on NMP on and and off since 2008/09 and it's been extremely helpful.
This site is very supportive...don't feel alone in your condition. And recovery is possible without medication. Don't give up hope. :flowers:

20-04-12, 18:50
Hi Kitty witty & :welcome:

I hope you find the same comfort and support that I have experienced from being here.

I too still remember my first panic attack (although it was over 7 years ago) and have suffered on and off since then, and I also have a fear of meds, although I am on beta blockers and diazepam at the moment as I have been really suffering since last November. Have you thought about CBT? This worked for me several years ago with the panics and I have recently started a new course. So far, I am finding it really beneficial in helping me to understand my current issues and and learning how to change my thought patterns. It's worth discussing with your GP.

Sending you :hugs: take care,
Kitti x

20-04-12, 19:16
hello kitty witty :)

big welcome to the family :welcome:

You matter here and will get lots of help and support
snow x

Kitty witty
21-04-12, 07:28
Thank you everyone for your kind words, it is comforting to realise I am talking to human beings that are struggling with similar things. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is 'am I going to be able to get out the door today', unfortunately the latest bug to this unbearable situation is that I fear going out in the car now, I had a panic attack on Sunday whilst out and now I fear going out! I feel like my world is shrinking, any tips to help overcome this would be most welcome! Thank you xx

21-04-12, 09:16
Hi Kitty witty,
I also vividly remember my first panic attack, it was 18 months ago in Spain, I like most others thought it was a heart attack, managed to get home to England, which was a blur(Spanish doctors gave me diazapan to fly home).
Back home had just a couple more in early stages, went to docs, had all tests done, all clear, put down to anxiety. Put on meds which didnt work, tried to go it alone for a while, but couldn't cope so now trying citalopram( on day 20). Not sure if doing any good yet, but very early days.
I was also frighted to go out in the car, but realized if I didn't do it i would be stuck at home alone most of the time my hubby was at work. I started by just sitting in the car on the drive with engine running, listening to music, did that for about a week, then started to just drive it to the end of the road & back, then round the corner, eventually got my confidence to drive properly again thank goodness.
Hope this is of some help to you x

21-04-12, 12:52
Thank you everyone for your kind words, it is comforting to realise I am talking to human beings that are struggling with similar things. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is 'am I going to be able to get out the door today', unfortunately the latest bug to this unbearable situation is that I fear going out in the car now, I had a panic attack on Sunday whilst out and now I fear going out! I feel like my world is shrinking, any tips to help overcome this would be most welcome! Thank you xx

Kitty, it could be me writing this post.....I have exactly the same problem every morning....and I also describe my world as shrinking, so you most certainly are not alone. It's a tough call, but if you can get out, praise yourself for any achievement :yesyes: My therapist is starting to get me to 'push the boundaries'.....she want's me to print a map of my local area and draw a circle around my comfort zone, then week by week I must try to extend a little further. Not sure how I will get on but I keep telling myself I cannot live in my little bubble forever. I am feeling ready for the challenge although it frightens the hell out of me!!

Don't despair....you will get there eventually, it's early days so try not to be too hard on yourself.

Take care,
Kitti :)

21-04-12, 22:46
Hi there and :welcome:

Pip x