View Full Version : Breathlessness?

20-04-12, 18:32

I've been a sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks for a long time now so I should probably know this by now.. but because I haven't experienced a panic attack in a while, I've been having a hard time coping with these feelings once more.

Lately I've felt breathless, like I need to take a deep breath all the time, or yawn alot. I feel that doing this gives me a headache then, or rapid pulse, or just dizzy feeling in general if I overdo it.

Is this normal for anxiety?? Am I just gonna have to put up with it til it calms down once more..? Is it just because I'm stressed?

I'm worried as I keep thinking theres something more serious going on.

20-04-12, 19:11
I get very breathless when I am stressed. Been like that for the past couple of years.

20-04-12, 19:15
Hopefully its just stress then. I have been a bit more depressed lately.

20-04-12, 20:06
I can't breath when i am stressed...breathing excersise is the only way to get rid of them.