View Full Version : Feeling much worse

05-07-06, 02:16
Second time of trying to post this...

I haven't been feeling anxious for a week or so now which is odd...instead I've been feeling intenseley irritable and frustrated. Tonight I couldn't sleep as I am in pain and hot and thirsty all the time. I got up to switch the light on and the next thing I know I'm trashing the kitchen. I don't knwo why I did it I just did. I've often trash things and I always regret it but I can't help myself I get so frustrated. This time I broke a favourite mug...well all my mugs and glasses. Feel ****y now.

05-07-06, 05:39
Oh Polly -
I am sorry that you are having a rough time of it. It's only natural that you are stressed over the pain and heat and it just seems that it all came to a head. I know that you are frustrated but hunny somehow you are definitely going to have to find another outlet or you will be eating off paper and drinking from foam cups before long :)
I'm not making fun. I have just been there and you know what so you went a little overboard. you are human - it happens.
Don't beat yourself up about it - it happens to a lot of us :)
Hope you feel better soon

05-07-06, 08:16
Hi Polly, hope you are feeling a little calmer this morning. It is the heat that may be getting to you as well. It can make us short-tempered and frustrated. As Sandy says, don't beat yourself up over it, we all get frustrated at times and just need to let off steam.

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-07-06, 09:27
Hi Polly
I think the heat exagerates our symptoms - i have been a complete cow the last couple of days as I have been breathless and faint and headachey and have been really horrid to those around me - I then sat down and had a good cry - all coz of the heat and humidty !!! silly really but hang on in there - we are all with you. love wenjoy xxx

05-07-06, 10:25
hello Polly, how are you doing now? i have broken things in the past, felt good to get it out at the time then i felt guilty afterwards. haven't done it for long while though. i don'tknow as i have any good advice other than hang in there and come on here where you can get some comfort...?

05-07-06, 12:04
Thanks so much guys for your help and encourangement. Feeling a bit better now. Strangely enough I think I really needed that outburst. Shouldn't have taken it out on my crockery though as soon I'll have nothing left and I can't afford to keep replacing stuff. I wish I could think of another outlet for all this frustration.[Oops!]

I got a bit upset also with the fact my step dad has been syaing weird things to me...things you shouldn't say to your step daughter. Kind of creeping me out.

Two heads
05-07-06, 12:16
We all have moments like that polly dont worry!Ithink it helps to let it out sometimes.I find a good cry helpsxxxx

05-07-06, 14:27
gla dhtat you are feeling better now!i think it,s only human to get frustrated and lash out(on our crockery!!!lol)when we feel anxious.don,t let your step dad get to you you don,t need any more stress!!take care rachelx x x

05-07-06, 17:38
I'm feeling really spaced out and weird again now.

Went into town just now to replace the lion mug I broke but they didn't have any left. Boo hoo.

Geez I need a man to love me. I desperately need a man to love me.