View Full Version : Middle of the night panic attack

05-07-06, 03:50
Been asleep only one hour and woke up with so many things swimming around my head cant lay still feels like my whole body is shaking cant get back to sleep. Feel really confused and frightened its like my mind is trying to think of 50 things at once cant relax and get back to sleep cant concentrate on anything. Just feel like crying feel really wound up feel like am going mad just cant sem to calm myself. Just pacing round living room now dont know wat to do i know i have to be up soon so gonna feel grotty all day now from lack of sleep.

05-07-06, 06:05
Hi Melissa -
Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time right now!
You are definitely not going mad. I have had many sleepless nites because my mind races like you described. Just try and concentrate on relaxing each part of you body while you are laying in bed and really focus on it and I am sure that you will get to sleep ok :)
Hope you feel better soon

05-07-06, 07:11
Hi Melissa
Hope you managed to get some sleep and are feeling brighter this morning.
Take Care
Love Helen

05-07-06, 08:18
Hi melissa, i woke up a bit like that this morning too, shakey and thoughts racing. Not nice is it hun! Hope you managed to get a little more sleep and that you don't feel too awful today.

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-07-06, 10:08
Hi Melissa, I woke up twice in the night feeling uneasy too. It sounds silly, but sometimes I find it helps if I put a DVD on and turn on the subtitles to read as well, so not only am I being occupied by the pictures, but also my brain is busy reading the words and not thinking about the uneasiness. Then, because it's the middle of the night and I should be asleep anyway, it seems to have a soporiphic (is that how you spell it?) effect and soon I'm nodding off again.

p.s. You also sometimes find out why you didn't get a joke when you watched the film with the subtitles off, as the line turns out to be totally different to what you thought ;)

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Will Loynes
05-07-06, 18:38
Hi Melissa,
I have woken up in the middle of the night with terrible panic and anxiety before. The worst time it happened I was sick which made it worse[xx(].
What I do now is try and go to bed when Im tired enough to sleep, not because its the right time, I also read 'chick lit' books because they always tend to take my mind off worrying things.
Recently I had a bad nite and used the chat room on this site, I didnt really speak about my probs but I did have a laugh and it did take my mind off my probs.
I hope you enjoy this site, it's defo beneficial for our fellow sufferers.

Take Care

Will [^]

05-07-06, 19:13
Hi Melissa, You are not alone with the night attacks. I have been waking up like this for almost two weeks. My panic attacks had almost disappeared and I thougth that they were gone,and wham here it is again. The only thing that seems to help any is to get outside of my house. Just looking at the stars and praying to God to help me. Lately I have gotten back on some medicine to help ease the fear. Hope you are doing better!:) Just remember you are not alone we are all here on this site to support you. Try to relax at night before you go to sleep, try rocking in a rocking chair, breathing in and out and counting to ten or what ever helps. Pray ( if you do) write down how you feel. Do something that makes you feel happy and relaxed. Take care.


05-07-06, 20:54
Thanks all for posting manage to get some sleep after i sat outside for a bit and got some fresh air and calmed myself down. I am realy thankful for these forums being here its always good to talk things out on here always makes me feel better.

polly daydream
05-07-06, 22:10
Hi Melissa, I suffer too now and again, you not alone hun.

Best wishes,


06-07-06, 20:16
hi melissa, glad you managed to get some rest. when i go to bed i listen to a relaxation cd (on my ipod so it doesn't disturb o/h.) hope you have a better night tonight. anxiety affects my sleep, you are not alone, keep coming on here for support, it has helped me.