View Full Version : Introducing myself

21-04-12, 10:02
Hi everyone, have just managed to pluck up the courage to come on here! I have suffered with ha for past 8 years. Was clear for past 2 years but due to stress at work ended up being signed off work:-( its reassuring to read about what symptoms others feel. I know I'm not alone in thinking that I'm going to die. At times I can rationalise things but the past few days have been awful. Have been having funny sensations all over my body but mainly in my hand and foot. Hard to explain but feels tingly and hot and could not sleep last night as I was getting sharp pains in my foot. Have convinced myself that it's something awful:-( feel so down today, I just don't want to feel like this anymore. Hope you all have a good day x

21-04-12, 17:50
Hi Chris and :welcome:

They're definitely common symptoms you're describing and it's really positive that you can recognise them as anxiety. That's something a lot of people find very difficult to do.

I know you'll find it really helpful on this site and that you'll make some great friends - I certainly have.

Take care

Pip x

21-04-12, 19:17
Hi :welcome:your most defo are not alone in your horrid thoughts of thinking your gonna die i get this and ive had a bad day too but being on this forum im having more good days than bad hope find it helpful here and you can start getting better :)

25-04-12, 21:38
Thanks for your replies. Feeling a but better last couple of days but just so tired of battling with this x