View Full Version : Daily hypo's ?!

21-04-12, 11:46
Every morning i wake up i get shaky, anxious , confused and v weak i have to quickly make myself something to eat to stop me jittering what the hell is going on? Usually u get this with people who suffer with diabetis so im not sure but its horrible but it does happen every morning and before i go to bed how can i get tested for diabetis ? Seeing my doctor on monday for fbc results i had last wk . Anyone get this daily like this . Thanks for listening im starting to worry as i eat like an horse

21-04-12, 12:16
This sounds like anxiey. You wake up lively because your body wants you to be alert and awake to search for danger, but of course, you have no food in you so you feel weak and shakey. You can also often wake up desperate for food because your anxiety symptoms have been using up your energy the day or night before. With flight or fight, you either not eat your food or cram it down, so try eating slower and more considerately and see if you feel less shakey.
If you have diabetes, it will be likely to have affected your life a lot more than what you have mentioned here, but if you definately feel there is something not right then tell your doctor and he will give you a number of blood test to check you sugar levels.
Take care.

10-07-21, 15:26
How is it this is happening 9 years later but in.the afternoon now. The same worries seem to resurface over and over so must be high adrenaline ??