View Full Version : Citalopram

21-04-12, 14:54
I am new to this forum. I have been taking Citalopram since March 8, 2012 for anxiety and panic attacks, both day and night and accute insomnia caused by my heart racing and pounding. My GP started me on 10mg to 1 week, 20mg for one week, 30 mg for two weeks and now 40 mg. Also Zopiclone 5mg to treat my insomnia. At my last visit, April 19, 2012, he wants me to continue Citalopram 40mg for at least six months. OK. I have been feeling so much better during the day. I have not felt this good in years. :yesyes:

I told him that I was sleeping a little better. Waking up at least 3 to 4 times during the night (with or without the Zopiclone). When I wake up, my heart pounds and races and it usually takes me 1 to 2 hours to fall back asleep.

I have been keeping a journal, and within a two week period, I have slept continuously for 6-1/2 hours only once. When I can sleep to 3 to 4 hours without waking up, that is a good night for me.

My GP told me that my sleep quality should get better in time with the Citalopram.

Also, I am menopausal and I know that sleep if often disrupted in menopause.

I was a wine drinker - at least 3 glasses per day. I cut the wine out except on the weekends, I have one glass, one Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I read that I should not mix alcohol and Citaopram. So I have cut it out completely.

Does anyone still experience the racing heart during the night? And the broken up hours of sleep?:shrug:


21-04-12, 15:18
Hi there
I have been on 20mg now for 7 weeks but started at 10mg for 2 weeks like you was given for anxiety that started out of nowhere after an illness including chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath all sorts of strange sensations. My sleep has been poor for 11 years but i would say now i get 10 hours a night if i remember right it kicked in around week 5 but i have not increased since so i would say give more time for your body and mind to stabilise as each increase i believe brings about side effects xxx