View Full Version : Feelings

05-07-06, 10:00
I was wondering if anyone got panic attacks and anxious when they are excited as well as stressed because i do?. Sometimes if im really excited about something i end up having a panic attack. Strange isnt it!

If you have peace of mind you have everything

05-07-06, 10:16
I get that too, and end up struggling hard to tell myself that it's excitement I'm feeling, not panic as the two are very, very similar. I think it's all to do with that whether you're scared or excited your body releases the same adrenaline, which causes the fast heartbeat, sweaty feelings, shaky feelings that are associated with excitement, but also for us associated with panic.

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

05-07-06, 10:27
Me too Carol. If I have to do things that I'm looking forward to, or if I'm nervous - its all the same feelings and 'symptoms'

Take care

'This too will pass'

polly daydream
06-07-06, 00:23
Yes I do too, I can't seem to get excited or stressed without my heart going into overload, which turns into a panic attack.

Best wishes,
