View Full Version : Vision anxiety

22-04-12, 10:41
Hi All,
Just wanted to to share my experience to see if anyone else has gone through something similar.
I have severe sight problems in my right eye and have needed many operations in that eye over the years. I had to have a big operation in February. My left eye has always been healthy.
A week after the big op in February I noticed my pupil in my good eye was a bit dilated and I had a floater and my eyes were sensitive to light. I rushed to eye clinic to have my eye checked to be told there is nothing wrong with it. 2 days later I woke up and noticed static dots all over my vision. I again had it checked to be told nothing wrong. Since then I have a puffy eyelid, several floaters, the dots in vision are still there and today I have woken up and feel like I have lost control of the muscles in that eye and my eye feels 'lazy'. Also, I am so sensitive to light I am wearing sunglasses aroun the house. I have had my eye checked several times over the past 2 months to be told there is nothing wrong with it. Now, I am more or less shown the door when I go!
Has anyone else experienced this. Does it sound like health anxiety?
I am weaning off of steroids for my bad eye. Could it be related to that?
Thanks for your help

22-04-12, 17:10
Anxiety can make people see dots and have other problems. You changed the way you treated that eye by wearing glasses. Maybe you've been "favoring" it. Maybe treating it like normal will make it feel normal again. Hopefully it is just stress and/or the meds you're finishing. Best of luck!