View Full Version : Speed camera flashed and now v anxious advice please!

22-04-12, 10:53
Dear all,

I was photographed yesterday by a camera at some traffic lights. They were on amber as I passed through them - I would not have gone through if they were on red obv, but thought I had time to pass through just as they changed from green to amber. I was not speeding at the time.

I am very worried now about what may happen. Does anyone have any experience of this?

I know that for speeding you get a fine and maybe points - but is this more serious? Am I likely to be banned from driving? (I don't think this is likely as my licence is clean but my thoughts are all over the place.)

Thanks for any replies. xx

22-04-12, 11:11
Hi my hubby was done for speeding last year and he got 3 points on his licence and a fine of £90 i think it was?? you won't loose your licence xx

22-04-12, 11:38
If it even had film in it ( lots don't, they just flash at you ) then its only a small fine and 3 points, unless you were absolutely hammering it through them at well over the limit.

You should hear within 14 - 18 days allowing for the post

22-04-12, 11:59
The traffic light cameras carry the same penalty I think - 3 points and a fine.

You said it flashed? If you went through them on amber you should be okay. Maybe it was faulty or something? They normally would only capture you if you had gone through them around a second after they had properly turned red.

eight days a week
22-04-12, 12:18
The offence is a TS10 - I got one last year. £60 fine and 3 points for four years (have to disclose to your insurance company for five I believe, and obviously tell them straight away if you are charged and accept it). No need to go to court unless you challenge it (faulty camera etc).

I knew it was close when I went through the lights, but to be honest I thought I'd beaten them by a split second. When the photos came through I was way late - so it's very hard to judge I'd say as you pass through. I'm not someone who tries to beat lights and drive ultra-cautiously, so it was just unlucky.

You might be lucky and the camera was empty. If not, the DVLA have to know who was driving at the time to issue the points and fine, so if you don't know and the photo doesn't prove it they can't do anything - but that's not the case here.

The county I was caught in offer a 'driving awareness' course instead of the points for speeding within certain limits, when I phoned up (annoyingly) they don't offer this for a TS10 - but said they were possibly going to be introducing it (too late for me!!) You might be lucky depending here depending on where you were caught.

22-04-12, 15:05
Hi - firstly you will not be banned from driving. I was taught that if the lights were on amber and it would be dangerous to stop them drive through. You should be fine - a fine and some penalty points are the worst thing, but I had 3 penalty points and a £60 for going down a bus lane - had only been put there the day before! and followed the bus - like I had many times! could not see the sign!

The Police were in their element but I did complain - and they said they were assigned to that job by the council as it was a new housing estate.

I was mad though - could understand speeding and light jumping but not this - had to tell insurance company.