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22-04-12, 12:31

I can see myself being here a lot the next few weeks.....my husbands recently been off on holiday from work...even though I've had my blips it's been so great having him around it really does help me relax and the anxiety has def been less......

Now he's just left to go away for 3 weeks...already I'm feeling quite off, giddy and have that chocking sensation....I have the two little ones to look after...that doesn't worry me...it's the fear that I'm gonna pass out and there will be no one here...I just hope I can get through the next 3 weeks without panicking everyday.

Worst thing is as ive not been working as I can't face it I've been low on money so I've been cutt off my phone and everything so I can't even ring people or ring him...he can't ring me as I deal with his phone as well.....

Does anyone else have a bigger fear when alone?
Do you have any good things you do?

I used to be so confident and a few years back he used to go away all the time and I never thought anything about it...I worked, had friends....now it's comp the opposite.

22-04-12, 13:22
Hello em:)

I just worry all the time, alone or not! although I have to say when family are round and Im busy cooking etc I tend to forget my HA...but when they go it hits me like a brick again!!!
we are here for you so just shout if your lonely!!!:hugs:

Liz x

22-04-12, 13:28
Hi Liz

Thanks again Hun


22-04-12, 13:37
This is how my anxiety started, I was terrified to be alone, I got a taxi to my mums once at 5 in the morning because I couldn't handle it. I ended up moving back home, that was over a year ago and it happens less now. There's websites that you can text off for free x

miss sparkle
22-04-12, 13:38
hiya. when i first started suffering with really bad dizziness and that i was really worried about fainting and my kids, mine are under 4. I found having a walk even if its just round the block and keeping busy helped.
i don't really get those symptoms now, as i have moved onto various other illnesses! lol x

22-04-12, 13:45
My fear is usually based around illness...that's why I get annoyed with it so much lol.....

I don't know if it stems from when he got shot in Afghan 2 years ago and maybe the idea of him not around makes me nervous...

My kids are 4 and 7mths.....plus the dog....so I'm well occupied, I just hate the fact that my body goes nuts when my brain isn't if that makes sense....all the friends I made on the estate have moved so I guess as well as there's no ones door to knock on makes it little bit more scary....


miss sparkle
22-04-12, 13:53
ah bless.
my boys are almost 4 and just 1. I know how you feel. Mind started when i had a couple of close family members die within a few years. up until them i just thought horrible things happened to other people if that makes sense.
i have always worried alot, but since Christmas it has reached a whole new level!
i obsess about my health and my kids. i am convinced i have something seriously wrong as i don't feel well in myself but i am trying to ignore it and carry on.
are there any places you can go in the day with the kids where you can chat to people etc.
i feel bit better at work when i can't think about things. even when i am busy at home , my mind is still thinking thinking thinking! lol xxx

22-04-12, 13:59
My sons a late summer born so he's at school now and as the girls 7mths it's a little too early for park trips....I try to keep myself occupied, I go into town and walk around a lot prob why I have chicken legs lol

I would love to go back to work...my husbands army though so the hours are pretty difficult as he works at odd times with duties, exercises and courses....

Hes away now for this course and if he pass's he will be able to get a job that will require him to be away months at a time...so I really want to sort myself out soon....it's not fair to him or the kids....

It's so horrible to see people close to us being Ill and passing...I wentti see a friend in ict at hospital and it was about a week before he passed.I've never seen anything like that before it's def affected me...

I just wish there was a cure for all of us...


miss sparkle
22-04-12, 14:11
I try and look at it like, if i did find out i was ill tomorrow, would i be happy with the way i am living my life. . .
As hard as it is to keep functioning and that when i feel rubbish, i would have to look back and think i had wasted time letting it win.
I still have my moments where i freak, but living each day trying to do things that make me and my kids happy helps me bit xxx

---------- Post added at 14:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

and if its any consolation i think you sound like you are doing a fab job.
my husband works 9-6 everyday and i really look forward to him getting home to take the reins, i can imagine it is hard with him working away alot. make time for yourself x

22-04-12, 14:13
Your right sparkle......

Guess the next 3 weeks I've just got to find something to keep my brain off the HA...


22-04-12, 15:28
i know exactly how u feel, although i am really bad when my partner is here, i am even worse when hes not. Even when hes just doing a nursery run and hes out the house 45 mins, and when hes walking the dog.. the time hes out i feel all frantic and on edge and really focus on my breathing more. I hate feeling like this also, and i have 4 little ones to look after now, since just having a newborn. Im 24 and been feelin like this for years. Iv tried so many things to do when im alone and nothing seems to work other than just going thru the panic alone, i mean it worries me the most that i am going to pass out and the kids will be left and end up getting hurt etc, and i think because thats whats going through my head when im feeling anxious it makes me worse.

22-04-12, 15:48
Awwww Sarah

I know exactly what you mean,...even when hubby was doing the last week of school runs I would feel panicky when he left the house and I would be clock watching thnking he should be back now....
Damm I wish we all lived near each other so we could all have panic fantastic night! Lol...

I think one of these weekends I'm gonna get my nan to have the kids overnight and get my dad to drop them off for me as their a while away...I think I want some time alone...without the stress....


22-04-12, 17:49
Em, I hate being alone. My husband works weird hours and I dread the nights where I'm going to be home alone for a few hours. My biggest fear is that I'm going to die and he won't be here to call an ambulance!

22-04-12, 20:12
Being stuck at home with children much as we love them is the worst thing for anyone who worries so you will be worse since you have had the children. I think you are amazing anyway coping with being on your own and in the enviroment you are in with people changing all the time as they move on.

22-04-12, 20:21
Asses thanks country girl....soooooo lovely......

I think we all need to get together for a nutty non anxiety night out....


22-04-12, 21:26
Hi Hun - can totally relate! Last year when my hub and daughter went on holiday (I was too anxious to travel with them) I had to get my dad to come over and look after me(I am 35 years old) - really was a low point- but he had to leave me on my own for the day - I got through it though I did come on here a few times too! You will be ok. We are all here for you:hugs: