View Full Version : Why do I sometimes hear guitar sounds in my head?

22-04-12, 13:43
I am in need or advice and reassurance! if its possible
I think I am worrying about nothing but, within 2 years every once in a while, I would hear the sounds of slow calm music (without voices) , and or guitar playing,
I'm normally in my room when it happens,
I hear it at night most of the time but it also happens in the morning.

I dont know if its me or the outside source, I opened the window and I listened for about 5 minutes, didn't really hear anything, the tunes last about a few seconds to about a minute.

I'm not on any medication or taking drugs.

Should I be scared?

Many Thanks

22-04-12, 13:50

I think what your referring to is tinnitus ... I have this all the time....it's worse at night because it's quiet, it can be caused by a lot of things like stress, low iron, high BP, and other things like ear damage fro listening to music to loud.

For me the noises vary from low humming like a truck running outside to random high pitched noises,...I have this most days on and off and at different extremes. It's not dangerous at all and millions of people suffer with it anxiety or not....

I blame singing in a band for years and blasting metal in my ears as a good start but I know that my Anx and stress are a part of it also.....

Next time you see your Gap mention it,..he may say go for a hearing test but trust me don't worry...


---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

GP that is lol

22-04-12, 14:08
Hi, I agree with Em above, that it could be tinnitus.

I also have tinnitus, usually of the type described by Em - high pitched hissing or whining, sometimes a low drone... but once I woke in the night to a different type, much like you describe - a vague musical sound, almost like a repeating chorus, much like it was on a radio in a nearby flat or something.

Luckily, I'd already read that this is just another type of tinnitus (albeit a curious one!) and so I wasn't freaked out as much as I would otherwise have been.

Take a look here for more information: http://www.tinnitus.org.uk/musical-hallucination

As ever, the main advice would be - speak to your doctor if you're concerned. :)

22-04-12, 17:03
It could just be that you have a musical mind.

Some people, and I'm one of them, often have music running through their mind. If a radio or CD player isn't going nearby and I'm not otherwise mentally occupied my mind plays songs. Never occured to me to be worried about it, but then I've never wondered if it was inside my head or not. Can't fit a band in there.

If your doctor doesn't think it's anything to worry about, you should be perfectly alright.