View Full Version : Head injury

22-04-12, 13:48
Hi all! Please help!!!! I hit my head during landing while playing flying fox a week ago. I was wearing a helmet then. Other than pain when hitting I was fine and able to continue the whole obstacle course after that. However, I tend to worry at the slightest things and start searching on head injuries on the net. I haven't have much symptoms except a neck ache which got better after I went for neck massage and some random light headedness and tight head feeling. am freaking out and worrying and crying at random times of the day. I even went to the doc twice but they think I am fine and do not require any scanning. I really hope to do a test to make sure everything is fine. But I haf alr done several ct scans to different parts of my body due to my health anxiety previously and i really want to avoid any more unnessary radiation. And I duno if I can do a MRI as I have braces on. Please help!!! Do you think I haf any serious head injury or it's my health anxiety at work again? I am so stuck!!

22-04-12, 13:53

I'm sure your fine....I'm not sure what flying fox is but it maybe that you have just damaged the muscles in your neck such as pulled nothing serious.....
The worse thing you can do is search for answers on the net...your here now so I'm sure if you had a traumatic head injury you would be in a lot more serious condition...these things would happen pretty quick after I urial injury,......
