View Full Version : Heartburn/reflux

22-04-12, 16:11
When I first stared getting panic attacks I had horrible heartburn made worse by not eating. Over the last 3 weeks since being medicated it has calmed down some. However, it is still there a lot. It is not the awfully painful heartburn, just the feeling of something stuck in my chest which feels better when I burp. Gaviscon hasn't helped much. When I mentioned it to my GP three weeks ago she said it sounds like classic heartburn. She listened to my chest and said everything sounds normal.

Now I am worried that this is actually a sign of cancer of the chest or cancer of something anyway. It's annoying but not painful, if it was cancer would it be painful?

I should probably see my doctor again but I feel a bit worried about it as I have seen him a few times recently and he might think it's in my head, which it isn't as I am no longer as anxious as I was. I think that it might be a sign of something bad but not to the extent I'm having panic attacks.

Should I give it another week and see if settles? I do drink a lot of pepsi max and recently quit smoking.

22-04-12, 16:23
Cut out the fizzy drink and I think you will find it helps a lot!

22-04-12, 16:40
Yes, I've been trying to do that. I have been able to drink pepsi for years with no problem.

I don't like any other drink though so it's been a struggle to cut back. I have a horrible habit of drinking pepsi while surfing the computer, I'm more addicted to pepsi max than I was nicotine. But I shall keep on trying.

22-04-12, 17:12
Hypo, I've had very similar symptoms lately. When I don't eat, I get intense epigastric pain that goes into my chest and I feel like I'm having a heart attack. I also get a really full feeling in my stomach that makes it feel difficult to breath but then I burp and feel better.

What meds are you on, a PPI?

22-04-12, 17:24
Sorry I'm not on meds for that. I'm on Prozac for anxiety and take gaviscon that doesn't help much.

22-04-12, 18:19
Gaviscon is not as good as a ppi like lansoprazole .

iTS as you said mate , the panic attacks brought on the heartburn , when you are in the flight or fight mode your stomach pumps out more acid to burn the contents of your stomach for energy .

It will settle down . 3 weeks is nothing to worry about with digestive problems .
If i was you if its not gone in another week nip back to the docs and i,m sure they will prescribe something better untill it settles

22-04-12, 18:49
Thank you. Thats the thing, I am not having panic attacks any more. I was having them three weeks ago but since being on prozac I'm not as anxious. I have occasional bouts of worry but not over anxious or panicky. But perhaps I'm still in a more higher state of anxiety without realising it. I couldn't breather properly once for two weeks and the GP said it was anxiety, even though I never had one single panic attack and wasn't worrying about anything.

I will give it another week, it puts my mind at rest knowing I get to wait for a week lol