View Full Version : Pains in my sides kind of pelvic area and back

22-04-12, 17:00
Hi Guys,

Not posted for a while as i have been having CBT therapy which i dont think is really helping me.

for a few weeks now ive had pains in back and tummy which are also near my left hip area kind of near my pelvic bone ive been to the doctor who did several urine samples and an internal also prodded around my stomach and back and said it was nothing so why im i so scared it is. Does anyone else suffer with this? x

22-04-12, 17:09

It could be a trapped nerve I had one in my pelvis years ago and it took ages to sort it out I had to go to the chiropractor for months but it did help, Do you get any pins and needles with it?


22-04-12, 17:29
no pins and needles Mick but sometimes a weird butterfly like sensation.

22-04-12, 17:43
Could it be endometriosis? (which is a non life-threatining but irritating condition).
I have this, and it caused pains all over my pelvic area?

22-04-12, 17:51
See if it calms down and if not get booked in at a chiropractor I still go now every now and then as makes me feel better cracking all the joints and getting rid of knots in the muscles it feels brill. I used to get a dull ache and pain in and around my left pelvis, stomach area and top of my left leg along with pins and needles if I sat in the same position for a while. Pop in and see your GP and see what he suggests. Hope it sorts itself out for you soon. Take care.


22-04-12, 18:27
Thanks Mick I will take that into consideration never been to a chiropractor before. The pains you are describing are very much like mine.

Hi Miggy, how could i found out if i have endometriosis?


22-04-12, 21:30
If you had endo you';d have very painful periods, pain in your pelvic area. possibly heavy periods. Have a chat to your doctor.