View Full Version : Hi all

22-04-12, 19:07
Hi everyone.
Alan here. Been a sufferer of anxiety for 20+ years now and only recently decided enough was enough and seeked medical help.
Currently taking Propranolol twice a day to control mind-numbing anxiety migraines and very recently started on Sertraline to try and control my other symptoms but although i have seen a slight improvement, im still having trouble using the phone, doing the school run, uncontrollable sweating, migraines, tunnel vision, shakes, the list goes on.
Ive been unemployed for 4 years now and every job ive ever had ive lost due to my anxiety in one way or another.

Ive been looking into ESA as my wife suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and although she does work a few evenings a week she is unable to work more than 20 hours a week so we have just lost our working tax credit which has left us seriously short every month. Its while researching this that i stumbled upon this forum so i figured it would be a good idea to say hi as it might help with things to try and combat my anxiety so i can actually go out and start providing for my family rather than sitting around being a sorry excuse of a man.

Going to see the doc tomorrow morning to see what we can do about our current financial situation and speak about the Sertraline.
Looking forward to speaking to you all :yesyes:

22-04-12, 19:08
Hi Arty_Al

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-04-12, 19:12
Hello Alan

I joined this site about 3 weeks ago and I've found everyone here to be really friendly and helpful and I'm sure you'll find the same too.

There's bound to be some folks here who have shared your experiences in one way or another and will be able to offer you support :)


22-04-12, 20:16
Hi Alan and :welcome: aboard!
