View Full Version : Eating

05-07-06, 11:29
I've always had trouble swallowing when anxious, which affects my eating, and i've read others are similar.

But does anyone also find that when you're tense or anxious, you don't fancy food, and you just can't be bothered with it, even though you're hungry?

Heather x

05-07-06, 11:35
Yeah i get like that if im anxious the thought of eating makes me feel sick, and i cant face food, maybe just a little bit of fruit to keep me going or sugar in my tea!!

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

05-07-06, 13:01
hey heather,
wen im anxious i cant eat nothin!! I can drink but nothin thick like milkshake!! I think the worst part for me is the feelin of not bein able to swallow- this gets even worse wen im panicin- i feel like theres a huge bit of chewin gum in me throat that wont go!! Its the worst!!

05-07-06, 14:09
I'm just not getting what the comfort eating thing is all about personally, ive never felt like eating when stressed & lost weight because of it in the past.
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

06-07-06, 08:13
Hi Heather, oh yes this is me too. I have lost 16lbs in the last two months as i just haven't wanted to eat. My stomach is so churned up I just don't fancy food and I don't feel hungry

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-07-06, 08:40
Hi Heather,

As you can see, your not alone on this one, anxiety plays many tricks on us and this is one of them I'm sorry to say.
I had this for along time and lost alot of wieght, although I have not had a pa or high anixety attack in along time, this one has been hard to shift, BUT, I'm working on it. I know its hard but try eat small and often, I found bannanas are easy to eat. Try not get into the habbit of eating nothing at all, make sure you always eat something even a little at breakfast dinner and tea.



polly daydream
06-07-06, 13:24
Hi Heather, I go right of my food when going through an anxious time, I have to forse feed myself, even when hungry.

Best wishes,


06-07-06, 19:55
Thank you all for your replies. You all sound similar to me,

Caz, I don't understand comfort eating either. I know people who do it, but if I'm upset, stressed, the last thing I want to do is eat either.

Heather x

emma chant
06-07-06, 20:19
Hi Heather ,
I have the same problem when i'm anxious i feel can't eat anything
because i'm anxious.

e chant

10-07-06, 00:07
i to never feel hungry at all and i am 5ft3 and wiegh maybe 8stone but i just dont seem to havew any intrest in food at all i do eat but very small meals or sanwiches but i am not hungry at all worries me to i am glad i read this as i thought it was just me thanks trish

11-07-06, 21:27
Hi, I am relatively new here but i just wanted to say that i am finding it really hard to swallow food. I find i am chewing and chewing and it just wont go down my throat, until i suddenly have to swallow and then it feels like i'm choking! I keep thinking maybe its throat cancer, looking at my tongue and throat and really freaking out. I sure cant sit and eat in front of anybody. I find if i'm tired its harder to get the food down. I, like you all, hate this feeling and i wish i could tell you all how to get rid of it but i cant. At least we can share our worries. Gilly123


Granny Primark
12-07-06, 09:23
Hi heather,

Hi heather,
I too cannot eat when im anxious. Ive lost 1/2 in the last 3 weeks through stress. I really have no appetite and feel as tho ive got butterflies in my tummy all the time. I drink milk but thats no substitute for food. Im not too bothered about my weight loss but dont want to lose much more. But the longer im going without eating a proper meal is worrying my husband. In summer tho i never seem to eat much. I think most people it less in the summer.
Take care

12-07-06, 20:22

im exactly the same, when im really stressed i dont want to eat at all, i cant even handle or think about food it really affects me, it feels as if every1 indoors is eating more than normal., its wierd coz even though i know im not eating so i lose weight i then worry im losing weight. its a viscious circle!!!!

ive just got back back from slimming worls and ive lost half a pound this week, others think thats rubbish but its just the amount i like. xxx

leanne xx

15-07-06, 17:09
From a blokey point of view...

Appetite is the first thing to go out of the window when I get anxiety episodes... My mouth goes dry... even cornflakes turn to chewy cardboard in my mouth... It's horrible.. I always end up losing about a stone... I tend to just eat carbs (biscuits etc) when I feel rotton...

Even if I manage to feel like opening the fridge, or the cupboard, it all might just as well be chicken gizzards - nothing seems to make me hungry...

Once I lost 2 stone (down to 12 stone), which might not be life threatening, but was as scary as hell for my family... Look on the bright side... when you improve (and you will!) you can pig out on yummy pizza and other evils :)

Steve x

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!