View Full Version : going backwards

22-04-12, 19:41
Ive been doing really well for over a year and a half and have the odd anxiety episode but they are very few and far betwwen but recently they have been happening more often and now back to one or twicew a day...and i am so scared of going backwards and haveing them turn in to full blown panic attacks..which i dont want to happen...i have a fear of dying and my trigger is a pain or not feeling well which then spirals into me thinking that there is something wrong with my heart..that its going to stop..or that i have cancer..so on and so forth..i can usually control my thoughts and distract myself and calm down...but its not working..i am so scared...at the moment ive have a pain in my back and had it for a few weeks and in my head ive convinced myself that there is a blood clot there behind my heart and its going to expload and im going to die...i hate these thoughts as i am such a postive person when it comes to everything else in my life..but when it comes down to what i feel in my body it gets our of control and negativity seeps in... do other people think this way???? help.