View Full Version : Almost 3 weeks, over the worst?

22-04-12, 20:05
I'm 18 years old and been taking fluoxetine 20 mg for almost three weeks for depression although I have not been officially diagnosed yet. The reason for this is due to family issues which seem to be getting worse, so I went to my doctor to see if I could be suffering from depression. About two years ago I was advised counselling as I broke up with my first love and I didn't take it well at all - I started taking drugs, smoking, not eating and making myself sick. I eventually got over it but never recieved counselling as my college was lazy! I'm currently with my boyfriend who I have been with for almost a year and I'm happy with him :)

First few days of taking it I felt sick, dizzy and was sleeping more than I did previously. Then the sickness got worse and I was eating a lot one day, and barely anything the next. My memory has been pretty bad too, sleeping patterm got worse. I was told to take them every morning but I stayed over at my university in the library to finish work and i got back home late night so had to take it a few hours late. As time went by I was hallucinating pretty bad - hearing songs clear but no music was playing, seeing things that weren't there, my eye sight went wierd and I was overall just scared, anxious and worried. I got home and took the tablet but cried when I arrived but not even sure why!? I was even seeing ghosts/shadows and I heard music and saw shadows again last night, I was creeped out! This happen day before yesterday. I've been feeling down in the dumps for a few days now and not too sure why.

I feel no one understands it, not really. I came across this forum as I've been looking the tablets up, just wondering if anyone has been hallucinating or whatever, or if I'm over the worst (which I doubt). My mum is very worried and she is coming with me to the next doc checkup in 4 weeks time, she's even taken the info that comes with the tablets that has all the side effects etc, away from me... I think this is because she doesn't want me to worry too much.

23-04-12, 10:48
Hi Lorna,
The first couple of weeks are the worst, you've done well to continue with the Prozac. Everyone's side effects are different and last for varying times, Prozac is the slowest acting SSRI so it can take up to 12 weeks to get the full effect but it will be worth it.

It's difficult to know what are the side effects of the drugs and what are the effects of anxiety and depression - there's no way of knowing. Those symptoms you had may be related to the drug and four weeks until you see your Dr again is too long. I would make an appointment sooner and let him know what happened, however if it happens again I would advise you to call someone straight away and let them know what is happening. Were you scared when it was happening or calm? Hopefully it was just a one off and you'll start to feel the benefits soon

Take care

24-04-12, 00:22
Hi Sam :)
Thank you for your reply! Yes, I've read a lot that the first few weeks are the worst :/ I'm pretty sure I was hallucinating badly due to me not taking the tablet in the morning as I always have, but even so, and I didn't experience it before. I've since then been a bit shaky on and off, but that's all. I was scared, very scared at the time. I hope so! Hmm, if anything else happens then I will deffinately ring em up and get an appointment,
Lorna x