View Full Version : Appointment on weds.. Nervous

22-04-12, 21:23
I have an appointment with the gastro unit for years of heartburn and acid reflux symptoms but scared of both having to have a endoscopy and also that there is something horrible there to be found!

Anyone been to gastroentologist before? Would I have the endoscopy there and then in day clinic?

Any advice?


22-04-12, 21:28
Hi mike. Hope i can put your mind at rest.
I was referred to a gastro with bad acid and burning pains. I was literally convinced I had stomach cancer. So much that when I got into the appointment I broke down and said I thought I had cancer.
They were lovely. they booked me an endoscopy for the next week and I was terrified, but I needed have been! I asked for max sedation and knew nothing about it. When I came round the gastro said "well, hello Mrs Normal". They diagnosed mild gastritis!!!!!
I have been where you are and know what you are going through but I promise you you'll be fine xx

22-04-12, 21:42
I don't get a lot of heartburn more thick phlegm and wind a lot! I just get worried that I have some cancer in my throat or Esophogus!

You think sedation is best way forward,never had it before n not sure I like the idea of been put to sleep :(

22-04-12, 21:54
I have had 3 gastroscopies because I have haitus hernia and I always always ask fo max sedation. You are not actually asleep as the sedation they use does not knock you out as such it just affects your memory so you cannot remember what happened. This is the weirdest bit as they can be talking to you and you can be answering but you have no knowledge of it afterwards. Its a benzodiazepam they use . Some people who need to drive or are very brave!! have it done without sedation but it is extremely unpleasant as you gag and gag as they push the scope down and it has to come out as well as go in:wacko:.

Its great having the max sedation as you don't know anything at all about the proceedure and then you suddenly come to with someone talking to you and after about half an hour and a piece of toast and hot drink you can go home but not drive for 24 hrs. They usually give you the results as soon as you are with it and then again before you go home.

23-04-12, 14:43
As miggy says they usually give you a first appointment with the specialist for a chat and to feel your abs/stomach area. Then if they think it is worth doing a follow up, they will book you an appointment for the actual scope test the following week. Just a short day visit. As the others have said best to get the full sedation. And they tell you the results when you wake up. Then you have a small meal and drink afterwards to make sure you can swallow ok again.

The only thing they didn't mention was the sore throat you get for a couple of days after despite the throat spray.