View Full Version : Feeling so ill right now!!!

22-04-12, 21:34
Very dizzy, tired, weak, feel like I can't breath and have to keep trying to catch my breath, also feel like my pulse is weak and feel like I am about to keel over.

22-04-12, 22:10
Sorry to hear this. Sounds like an anxiety attack

Sit calmly and do some deep breathing and things will calm down I promise

22-04-12, 23:18
Hi you sound like me when im in the middle of an attack there not nice : ( the breathings the worst for me just try to stay calm and ride it out your fine distract yourself that helps a glass of water to sip on or mints or something to suck on to distract yourself thats what i do :)

23-04-12, 05:52
sounds like panic attack to me also ,do some deep breathing and see how u feel after that ,tc

23-04-12, 14:58
I'm feeling worse today, extremely dizzy and lightheaded and very off balance, feel faint and everything.

23-04-12, 15:58
sorry to hear your feeling worse its just anxiety nothing else try to distract yourself and keep calm if you can do you have anyone with you?

23-04-12, 20:29
Sorry to hear your anxiety is very traumatic right now!

Try to stay calm, because your going to be just fine. All of your symptoms are very classic symptoms of anxiety, worry and panic! Sometimes they do get worse before they get better... but they always get better eventually. Ive had horrible symptoms that have lasted only 30 minutes at a time or even weeks at a time but with the right relaxation and focus they will subside.

If you still feel like you can't cope on your own with this, go and speak to a friend or relative or your GP for some reassurance. Thats what they are there for :)