View Full Version : Matted neck nodes

23-04-12, 08:49
HiNot posted for a while, Dad starts chemo and radio on Wednesday which we are all feeling anxious about.
This post is about my mum tho. A few weeks ago she noticed a lump on her neck, below her ear. She went to the doctor who reffered her to an ent. The ent felt the lump and said it wasn't a lump instead was multiple swollen lymph nodes matted together. He did a camera procedure that goes in her nose and down her throat all was clear however he reffered her for an URGENT ultrasound and also aspiration. My mum had this appointment last week and the doctor did a thorough ultrasound of both sides I
of her neck. He didn't do a aspiration of the lumps as said on the ultrasound it showed they were normal just fatty lumps?! So that's it, my mum has accepted this but I am having trouble believing this, the nodes are visibly enlarged and do look like just one mass I think I would have felt better if they biopsied it but no she has now been discharged. Do I have reason to worry? How would the ultrasound know if they were cancerous?

23-04-12, 10:00

First off, good luck to your Dad, :hugs: I'm sure he'll be fine.....

With regards to your Mum, I can't comment on the matted nodes in particular as I've never had this. The doctors who specialise in this do not seem concerned, inthink if they were generally worried or noticed something abnormal they would order the further testing.

I took my son to ENT the other week regarding swollen glands on both sides of his neck...they have been like this for months. She felt his neck and said there were further nodes swollen.
We go back at the end of the month, for xray,scan, blood tests etc etc.

I'm sure your Mum will be fine....