View Full Version : Borderline Personality Disorder / self harm

23-04-12, 08:59
Hi..I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder and now hav been signed off work for 6 months. I feel so isolated and the depression has got really bad. I have known abot BPD for 2 years but started to go down hill last July with acute anxiety and depression. GP has tried Mitrazepam which made me go almost psychotic with anger and trying to harm myself. I am now trying Sertraline..Does anyone else suffer BPD? I find it so hard to socialise but just cant bear this low patch for nearly a year and wonder if it will ever pass. I am due to start mentalisation therapy soon and this is a 2 year programme. I have been signed off work onto ESA but am desperate to go back to work.

24-04-12, 16:30
I don't have BPD, but I read a great book (I'm a student in the mental health field) called The Buddha and the Borderline. It's a personal memoir about somebody going through BPD, her feelings and experiences (very similar to what you have described), and the treatments she went through and what helped her.

Good luck with your treatment program