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Two heads
05-07-06, 12:15
Does anybody find that when they are breathless they get more eptopics?Just because of weather my breathing is worse than ever and ive noticed more of them.xx

polly daydream
05-07-06, 21:19
Hi Two Heads, I can defo relate to this, I have had loads in the last few days, probably because of the heat. Thank god it has cooled down a little. How are you today?


05-07-06, 21:21

i do get more eptopics when i am out of breath and when the weather is hot but then i get lots all the time i have had tests done and all came back ok .
i have read that when you are getting them put your hands in ice water and they calm down i have done it and it dose help lots .
it is right that the more you wory and think about them the more they happen i know its hard to not think about them when they are happening but it works
i hope this info has been of some help


Two heads
05-07-06, 21:29
Thankyou so much for your replys polly and jodie!
I will try that with the ice water and let you no how i get on jodie thanks for the tip.It doesnt matter how many you get they just all ways scare me.I guess its because i only started getting them in march and i just find it strange how i have gone my life without them,and then boom there they are!xxxxxxxx

polly daydream
06-07-06, 20:53
Hi Two heads, my eptopics have been better for the last two days, I think the heat defo had something to do with it. Hows yours?

Polly x

Two heads
06-07-06, 23:25
Yes they have been better how strange!Maybe it because we have less anxiety because its cooler and we can breath better.Whartdo you think?
Let me no how you are getting onxxxxx