View Full Version : Anyone know why Heartbreak & Anxiety are so intertwined ?

23-04-12, 13:49
any thoughts welcome guys..

23-04-12, 19:29
Need a bit more detail on this one I'm afraid :shrug:

23-04-12, 19:39
Hey PanchoGoz,

I've been an anxeity sufferer for about 10 years now.
The last 3 years I've greatly improved with xanax & lexapro..
I broke up with my girlfriend last week and the heart ache is pretty immense but thats to be expected.. The heightned anxiety thou isn't. Very very anixoius and have needed to increase xanax dramatisically.
It feels like the emotional pain generated by heart ache and the anxiety are coming from the same place. I have to say its a horrible horrible feeling...

23-04-12, 20:18
Sorry to hear that.
Heartache can cause anxiety in non sufferers, let alone those who do suffer anx...
and alot of the feelings from it can be mistaken for anx too....

23-04-12, 22:34
Ah yes I see what you mean now :)
I'm sorry about your girlfriend though :( it feels like someone is in there wrenching your heart with their fists doesn't it. Sometimes deep emotions can just manifest themselves as anxiety in an anxiety sufferer. I can't watch emotional films without panicking, rather than crying or hiding behind the sofa. It's a funny one that...can't see the logic behind feelings sometimes.

24-04-12, 09:50
Thanks a million for the comments guys.
Yea, feelings , right now it feels like who needs them!