View Full Version : Nexium, anyone else?

23-04-12, 14:51
Hi everyone, I am new to the forum, although I have been reading it a bit lately.
Im a 25 year old female from Australia.
A bit about me, I was diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder, agoraphobia and bouts of phobias at aged 18.
I tried several medications, and had adverse effects to all of them I am very sensitive to most meds, generally leading to anaphylaxis.
Since 2005, I have had over 56 CBT treatments all very successful.
I always keep valium on me for the "just in case moments" but in the last two years I have been almost 100% anxiety free, going to concerts, shopping centres, long drives etc... things I wouldn't dream of 7 years ago.

The reason for this post: In october last year whilst visiting my mother, I started having skipped heart beats, all day every day, so I went for an ECG and the doctor told me I needed a 24 hr holder monitor. So when I came home, my doctor gave me the holder monitor, and the results were completely normal, this must have eased my mind a bit because they disappeared on their own.

I decided I would have another 6 sessions of CBT which helped a treat and I went on with life.

As of March 27 this year I started having them again, so I monitored them and decided it must be acid reflux since it happened after I ate mainly, my doctor agreed and put me on nexium.
I took the nexium for 9 days, the palpitations ceased but I started having random panic attacks but my mental well being didn't seem affected, just my body.
I decided not to take nexium anymore and 48 hrs after I stopped taking it I FELT AWFUL, weak lethargic, clammy, restless, nervous, but it passed later that night, so I didn't think much of it.
The next night I had dinner and same again I FELT AWFUL, it was enough for me to take 1mg of valium, which eventually seemed to work.
Later that night as I was trying to sleep I had vicious leg tremors, scary images and feelings of anxiety so intense I wanted to explode so I drove myself to the ER, they kept me for 4 hrs and told me to leave as i was having a panic attack.
2 hrs later my roommate took me back as I couldn't sleep or calm down, they did an ECG blood tests, urine and my obs and sent me home again.
I went to my GP who ran a full thyroid, glucose, and full blood tests all to come back perfectly healthy. They say I am experiencing anxiety again.
Well its been almost 3 weeks since stopping nexium, I have had another trip to the ER since then and still feeling really funny. none of these symptoms are the same as any other time I have had anxiety.
I have always been able to sleep, and eat no matter how panicked, and have never had leg tremors.

I guess I am just wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences, I am sorry for the long post