View Full Version : Signed up for something I never thought I would need

23-04-12, 15:43
I am new to this "anxiety" thing, and I must say it can be very overwhelming,
I can honestly say for the past 50 years I never once thought I would be googling forums on this topic and yet here I find myself. I am confident I will beat this, but as it has been months now I am second guessing some days.

23-04-12, 15:44
Hi Trypp

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-04-12, 15:45
Hello Trypp.

I've been here for about 3 weeks, and I know exactly what you mean - I was hesitant about signing up too, but I've found everyone here to be very friendly, helpful and supportive.. I'm sure you will too.

Good luck, and welcome.


23-04-12, 16:18
Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Six months ago I'm ashamed to say I would have sat firmly in the 'give them a shake, tell them to stop feeling sorry for themselves and get on with it' camp. But a sequence of events caused me to have an Acute Stress Reaction and suffer from subsequent anxiety and anger issues. I had no idea how overwhelming and all-consuming these issues could be. The feeling of being completely out of control of my emotions was very scary.
I had been using the internet to reference my issues and medication and this site popped up a couple of times. I only joined today but have already found it to be really helpful. I hope you find it as beneficial. Good luck.

24-04-12, 03:40
Thank you to all for the warm welcome, Along with Anxiety my therapist has suggested medication for my ADD, I find the ADD helpful to draw my attention away from my anxiety now and then (if that makes sense) I hope I am able to keep my attention on recovery and helping others along the way.

24-04-12, 07:41
Hi, I too am a bit of a novice, to all this stuff. I think that in it's self, adds to the anxiety. I've read lots of really good books that have helped. I also listen to relaxation cd's. I've been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This was brought on by an incident that happened last October In school. (I'm a teacher)I've also had talking therapy, hypnosis and I'm in the midst of EMDR.I was taking anti depressants but these didn't seemed to help. I still take propranolol daily. I have diazepam for emergencies! I do try to keep busy, but that's not so easy. I just thought I was going nuts!:scared15: Understanding and knowledge are paramount. This site is great for unanswered questions! take care D x

24-04-12, 18:07
Hi Trypp and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting


25-04-12, 15:57
I can honestly say that having internet access can be both helpful and hindering (too much information some times) I have done way to much "googling" about symptoms and not enough about help. That is until I found this site and it has very helping folks and stories. The 5 day wait to chat seems a bit long, but I understand the reason as it should help reduce the amount of abusers found in many of the regular chat rooms. I am now on day 5 of "life without anti-depressants" and it has been rough but I am doing my best to stay strong. Wish me luck and I hope to chat soon