View Full Version : Mobile phones texting downer

05-07-06, 12:45
Has anybody had an addiction to mobile phone texting?
I have a ladyfriend, I was getting very down if she didn't reply to my texts. I knew I was sending too many but just wanted to hear from her.
I have sorted myself out now, I know I've been behaving badly : ) [8)]


05-07-06, 12:58
Hi Dave, im not that bad on texts but i used to be, if i texted my friend or my boyfriend and they didnt answer i would think that there was something wrong or they didnt want to talk to me. Its the same if they dont answer my email i think there is something going on.

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

Ma Larkin
05-07-06, 15:09
Me too, I'm obsessed with texting, start freaking out if I don't get a reply and always think the worst. Its probably my worst habit ever! Who invented them eh!!


05-07-06, 15:33
I bet you dont realise that sometimes texts dont get delivered immediately. THats probably one of the reasons why you dont get replies straigth away
I have sent texts to my daughter and vise versa and sometimes they are hours late coming in.
Not a reliable way to contact people if you want to be sure they have received it.
Also with emails you cant be sure that the person has received them. Sometimes they go astray.

A phone call is much better. you can then be sure the person has got the message :-)

Pam x

05-07-06, 15:58
No, but its quite reasonable, as we often feel the need to be wanted and loved. Indeed, we may be lonely.

Or maybe you are just overreacting to your lady friend?


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

05-07-06, 18:04
Hey Dave - yep Im the same - love texting and if I get no reply I get soooo annoyed I send the same message again which makes the recipient grumpy!!!!!!!!! Oh well - trouble is I think we take things too seriously and take no reply to a text as something personal when it may just be that they are too busy to reply or have no credit!! Wenjoy x